Chapter Two

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Mkay listens to Rosalie complain, again, about the human girl Edward's showed an interest, Edward is another brother, a vampire brother as Emmett calls him, one of two, hm and Jasper, and the two vampire sisters, Rosalie and Alice. Their vampire mother, Esme and their vampire father Carlisle make up their little vampire family. Mkay jerks as someone touches her shoulder and she snaps her head around to find Jasper holding up his hands in surrender.

"Sorry" he whispers, they all know she's iffy with men touching her, even her family. "We called your name like four times...are you okay?" she runs her hands over her jeans and nods.

"You've been quiet on this" Carlisle states from where he stands with Esme.

"I don't really have an opinion, I haven't thought about it" Mkay corrects. "I guess....whatever makes Edward happy" she shrugs. "We'll deal with everything else when it a family" Edward smiles at her.

"Thank you, Mkay" Edward tells her softly, she nods, uncomfortable with the attention. Rosalie scoffs, Mkay turns to her and Emmett who looks to Mkay softly and shrugs.

"May I please leave? I am feeling very uncomfortable" Mkay asks looking down, Carlisle nods and she stands and leaves the room, Carlisle sighs sadly. Emmett looks to him.

"She's trying"

"I know" Carlisle reassures him. "Just still after all this time....her own family makes her that uncomfortable"

"It's the attention" Edward corrects. "That's what makes her uncomfortable, she doesn't like being the centre of attention"

"Given her gift that makes her life very difficult" Esme states. "She's so sad all the time" Carlisle wraps an arm around her and kisses her head.

"She knows we love her" Carlisle tells her. "That's all that matters for now"


Mkay sits on the balcony on the roof of the Cullen house, it's her safe place, it's not really that safe, but everyone knows she likes to sit up here alone. The little balcony leads out from the attic, which she claimed as her own space when they'd moved in, far away from everyone else. She curls her hand around the railing and and leans against it. Headphones over her ears playing soft classical music, she closes her eyes and lets the peace she finds in this music wash over her, calms her down. She takes a deep breath of the forest air and opens her eyes to look out over the trees.


Paul looks across at Mkay sat with her family in the cafeteria, she always looks so uncomfortable, so sad, so lost. She looks up and across the cafeteria and right at him, he smirks at her, she turns away again, she's an odd one, but there is no mistaking her beauty, maybe if she smiled more, lifted that miserable look off her face. Paul looks down at his fries and shrugs.


Mkay sighs, she sits in the hospital with Emmett who has his arms folded over his chest. They're both quiet as Rosalie, Edward and Carlisle argue about the human, Edward had risked them to save her, to stop an accident that would have killed her. Either way they would have been exposed. If the girl had been hit, she would have bleed and more than one of them would likely have vampired out, but Edward using their super speed to save the girl still has them exposed. Emmett wraps an arm around Mkay and kisses her head. Rosalie, Carlisle and Edward suddenly stop talking, Mkay and Emmett look up and find the reason, the human girl stood down the hall looking at them. Carlisle places his hand on Rosalie's arm and leads her away towards where Emmett and Mkay are sat, Rosalie holds out her hand and Mkay takes it, the two girls walking away together.


Paul sighs looking around the library, there's only one space left and that is at the table that is empty save for the Cullen girl sat alone at it, that always happens around them, they prefer to keep to one another and seem to give out a bubble of antisocial that keeps people away from them, it's all rather lonely, Paul thinks. That the only friends they have are each other and well...the Swan girl, she's been spending a lot of time with Edward Cullen. Not that the others of the family seem that happy about it. Paul looks to his work file, he needs to get it done and yes, that really is the only free space. He heads towards her table and she stiffens the closer he gets before looking up at him, those gold eyes striking, yet again, he smiles at her.

"Hey" She nods and looks to her work. "You mind if I sit?" he asks, she jerks her head up and looks around, checking the other table. "It's the only free space" he offers, she nods sharply and moves to one end of the table, Paul sighs and takes the other end, she clearly wants to be on her own, so he'll give her her space, he sets his books down and sits shrugging out his jacket and sets it over the back of the seat before looking for his pen. He lifts up his books and searches his pockets before groaning, he must have left it in his locker. He looks to Mkay. "Cullen" he calls and she looks to him. "Do you have a spare pen?" he asks, she sighs and reaches into her jacket behind her and pulls out a pen holds it out to him, he smiles taking it. "Thanks" he looks to the pen and smiles wider, the same pen he'd let her borrow weeks ago, he looks to her and she shrugs going back to her work. He looks over her face as she reads, the lines of her face, pale, smooth, flawless, everyone always says that Rosalie is the most beautiful of the three girls, but Paul's always thought it was Mkay, if only she'd smile more. She reaches up and tucks her hair behind her ear and he smiles watching her fingers, long, graceful, delicate and slender. She looks across at him and catches him staring at her, he looks away and to his books with a smirk.

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