Chapter Fifteen

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Paul sits on the beach, digging his toes into the sand as he watches Mkay standing ahead of him letting the waves lap at her feet. With the wind, the overcast sky, the rain and the ocean, she looks beautiful, like an old photograph. He smiles warmly. It's been 3 weeks since their little fight and make up and they've been inseparable. He's lucky his father works a lot given how often Paul's woken to find Mkay in his home, first few times it was a little weird, now he looks forward to finding her sat on the end of his bed, or stood outside looking out over the forest. She's a part of his life he can't imagine being without now. She glances back from the water and smiles at him, Paul stands to join her. Walking across the sand till his own feet touch the sea.

"Most people wouldn't be stood in the sea in the rain, M" he comments wrapping his arms around her waist, she leans back against him, that's something else that's come on leaps and bounds the last 3 weeks, touching, she no longer flinches with him touching her, he knows that's not the case for everyone else but he's glad he's the one she's comfortable enough with to allow it. He kisses behind her ear and then her cheek.

"I used to dream about the sea" she admits. "When I was human" she adds quietly. "The smell, the sounds...." she smiles wistfully. "I always wanted to live next to a beach, or even on a beach if I could" she turns to him. "Funny how life turns out some times" she states dryly.

"Who says you can't still have that" he offers. "I could build you a house"

"No, you won't" she argues.

"Urm.." he frowns. "Yeah, I will" he argues.

"Paul" she warns.

"What?" he asks. "I can't want to build my girlfriend her dream house"

"It was my dream" she argues. "Not so much any more" she shrugs. "I can't dream but....I do have a dream, a fantasy"

"Tell me" he brushes her hair behind her ear. "I could..."

"No" she interrupts. "You can't make it come true"

"Why not?" he asks her.

"Because" she shakes her head. "Because my dream...." she looks to him sadly. "Is to be human again"

"And that's not possible?" he asks. "There is no way?"

"No" she answers shaking her head.

"Then we will make do with what we are" he pulls her closer. "Monsters" he teases a little, she smirks looking to him. "You're my monster" she wraps her arms around his neck.

"And you're mine?" she asks, he nods.

"Always" he promises her, she touches the hair at the back of his skull, her eyes watching him, that piercing bright gold filled with emotion, and he knows that she's starting to get it, just how much she means to him, because he knows she's been struggling with understanding just how important she is to him. She smiles a little more and he kisses her softly. "Sooo" he starts wrapping his arms around her back and smirks. "Graduation is days away" he comments.

"Oh yeah" she agrees dryly. "I'll be graduation for the 3,000th time" he snorts a little. "I was hoping to miss it" she admits. "Alice is throwing a party and a party means....people" she shakes her head. "I don't think I can do that"

"Alright" he offers. "How about me and you do something instead then?" he asks.

"Like what?" she asks, he shrugs.

"Is there something you've always wanted to do but been too afraid to do?" he counters. "Maybe with me you can do it" she shrugs.

"Well there is one thing" she comments. "But I don't think I'm ready for that" she whispers, he raises an eyebrow at her, she gives him a meaningful look.

"Oh" he catches on. "Sex" he offers. "There's no rush for that" he assures her. "Even if we never do it"

"I..." she stops and then looks away. "I want to, with you" she admits. "But...being....naked" she looks uncomfortable. "And touched" she looks to Paul sadly. "It makes my skin crawl thinking about it, let alone doing it"

"You let me touch you now" he comments, she nods.

"I'm clothed" she points out motioning over herself. "It's like a layer of protection, a shield....I know it's hard for you to understand"

"No" he assures her. "No, it's not" he strokes her cheek. "Someone hurt you, someone really hurt you, and you're mending, slowly, but mending. And it's going to take time, which we have, okay?" he gives her a small smile. "No rush, no pressure....when and if you're ready" she smiles and sets her head on his chest, his arms wrapping around her. "Now can we get out of the rain?" he asks, she chuckles against his chest and nods.


Mkay pulls a dry shirt over her head, one of Paul's, back at his place, she's putting off going home, mostly because she feels more alone at home then she does, here with Paul. She pulls her hair out of the back of the shirt and then knocks on the door, letting Paul know she's dressed. He opens the bedroom door and joins her as she sits on his bed, shuffling closer to look out the window.

"You want me to text blondie or Emmett?" he asks sitting with her, she shakes her head. "Are you sure? They might worry about you"

"Other things to worry about" she comments softly. "Edward's human is in danger and everyone is busy"

"Yeah, they wanted me to take up shifts watching her" he offers and shrugs. "I told them I had other things to worry about" he teases poking her nose, using her phrase back at her, she smiles and rolls her eyes. "My priority is you, M, always will be, do you understand?" he asks her, she glances to him through her hair. "I know you keep doubting it, doubting my feelings for you, I can see it when you look at me some times, but you and me, that's something you never have to doubt, I promise you, that I am here until you kick my ass to the curb" she smiles softly. "And I will tell you this, everyday if I have to, till you get sick of it" he teases laying back, she snorts a little and shifts slightly to lay next to him. "I love you, Mary Kate" he uses her full name to drive his point home. "All of you, even your....flaws" she looks to him. "Your fears, your insecurities....I'll take them all, as long as I get you" she leans closer and kisses him, his hand moving to rest on her waist.

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