Chapter Eight

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Emmett paces in front of Carlisle who watches him, listening to him rant. Mkay's pretty much been a recluse and shut in since they left Forks months ago.

"She hasn't said anything in two months" Emmett tells Carlisle who looks to him. "Nothing at all, barely acknowledges anyone......she hates people and yet for some reason she's.....annoyed that we've moved to the middle of nowhere, no people for miles, I don't....understand what is going on with her any more"

"Mary Kate is a very complicated woman" Carlisle offers. "We know this"

"But this is different" Emmett argues.

"Before we left....she was changing" Rosalie points out, Emmett looks to her. "She wasn't as....." Rosalie cocks her head, thinking of the right word. "Tense" Rosalie stands. "I don't know why...but maybe we should be asking why she couldn't talk to us about it. We're her family and she couldn't, for some reason, talk to us....about why, for the first time in decades, that she was comfortable around a man" Emmett and Carlisle share a look. "Please" Rosalie scoffs. "Paul Lahote....I saw them in the library, talking and sitting together, side by side. When has Mkay ever sat next to a man?" she raises an eyebrow at them. "When has she ever talked to one outside of this family and teachers? She loves us" Rosalie tells them. "None of us doubt that, but this....boy, made her smile. And HIS human....ruined her chance at something, her chance at being better, at her finally getting over her issues"


Mkay sits alone in the library, it feels weird coming back after being gone for 5 months, she rests her chin on her knee and stares at her book open on the table, she touches the page and closes her eyes as she feels Paul behind her, he's different, she knows that, she can smell it, can feel it. Which means he knows what she is now.

"If you've come to remind me of the treaty" she starts sadly. "Then you don't have to, we received that message, loud and clear" she closes the book and then stands.

"Mkay" Paul states, tightly, as she walks away. She stops and dips her head turning it to the side. "I...I urm..."

"Goodbye, Paul" she tells him before she walks away clutching to her books.


Mkay opens her locker and sets her books into it just before it is slammed shut, she pulls her fingers back, Paul stands at her side.

"I wanted to say that I know I should....but I don't hate you" he tells her, she touches the grooves on her locker. "Mkay....there's just something about you...." he sighs. "I've missed you" he tells her. "It's ridiculous I know, given what you are..."

"What I am?" she asks cocking her head, before looking to him. He blinks a little staring into her eyes. Heat floods through his body, stronger than anything before, but it is a new kind of heat - not a burning. It is a glowing. Everything inside of him comes undone as he stares at the woman stood in front of him. All the lines that hold him to his life are sliced apart in swift cuts, like clipping the strings to a bunch of balloons. Everything that made him who he was - his loyalty to his new pack, the love for his other brothers, his hatred for his enemies, his home, his name, his self—disconnected from him in that second—snip, snip, snip—and floats up into space. He is not left drifting though, a new string holds him where he is. Not one string, but a million. Not strings, but steel cables. A million steel cables all tying him to one thing - to the very center of the universe, to his universe. The gravity of the earth no longer tied him to the place where he stands. It is the vampire stood across from him. Mary Kate. He then realises she's rambling at him and glaring at him. Before she is walking away from him. Paul blinks rapidly and stares after her. His imprint. A vampire.


Paul watches Mkay as she walks to her car, no Emmett and Rosalie this time around to keep an eye on her. She pulls he bag off of her shoulder and opens the trunk of the car before setting it in, closing it and then looking across at Paul, he stares back at her as she does him, there is more sadness behind her eyes now, a deep hurt that just...aches. She looks away first and climbs into her car before pulling away.

"What's wrong?" Embry asks approaching him, Paul looks to him.

"I imprinted" Paul admits, Embry then smiles before it drops.

"Why aren't you happy about this?" Paul shrugs.

"I....I know I should be's Mkay" he admits, Embry frowns.

"The vampire?" he asks. Paul nods.

"Yeah" Paul answers.

"Wow" Embry whispers.

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