As the Years Go By

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It had been years since Yuri won that medal. He had hung it up on his wall to remind himself never to give up or slow down, that he needed to keep trying and practice, practice, practice. He still competed, his face still being shown on magazine covers and interviews.

I on the other hand had become a coach. I taught Olympic figure skaters, the young ones who showed great potential. Even though I wasn't able to do all the jumps and spins they could I was able to point out each distinct part of them. For example, if someone was doing a double loop I could tell what they were doing wrong, how to fix it, and what they were doing right.

I enjoyed my job, it kept me connected to figure skating. Currently, three of the skaters I coached ended up going into higher divisions in competitions. There would've been more but there were injuries, deaths in the family, money problems and more.

After Yuri won I had to move back to Canada, finish high school. I never lost touch with him though. As soon as I graduated I moved to Russia to go to university there and so I'd be able to be with Yuri. Somehow I managed to become a coach in the process.

"Good job Leo, but next time make sure you extend your leg on the landing and hold it, you can't just rush onto the next thing"

"Oh, right, sorry!"

"Just try again"

"Miss, your phone is ringing, someone named... Viktor is calling you" one of my other figure skaters tells me, passing me my phone.

"Viktor Nikiforov?!" Another one of my skaters exclaims.

"Yes. Alright, thank you. Keep practicing, all of you"

I skate to the side of the rink, answering the call as I watch each of the skaters jumping, spinning and gliding. Viktor's excited voice shouted over the phone, he was speaking way too fast for me to understand anything.

"Slow down Viktor, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong! Everything is right!"

"Extend on the landing, extend!" I shout to Leo. "Sorry Viktor, could you explain?"

"Of course! Me and Yuuri are coming to visit you!"

"Why would you do that?"

"Am I not allowed to visit my favourite cousin?"

"Normally there's a reason why. Last time you called it was because I had been invited to your wedding, 4 years ago"


"Crystal, we just wanted to come see how you're doing. Maybe visit the soon to be olympians" Yuuri told me. I could hear Viktor complaining in the background, telling Yuuri to give him his phone back.

"That makes more sense. Ana you need to use your arms! I'll see you two later"

"Bye Crystal" they said in unison.

I hung up the phone and went back to yelling at the kids. They weren't exactly young, there was another group for them, they were all either teenagers or close to it. The youngest was Ana, 11 years old. She had promise. The oldest was Leon, 14, he was almost ready for the olympics.

"Oh my god it's him!" Some of the girls, the 13 year olds, were gathered around the boards, fangirling.

"Girls! What are you doing?"

"I think someone's here to see you" Grace, one of the calmer skaters, told me, pointing to the arena entrance.

I sweat dropped when I saw Viktor waving at me excitedly, about to jump the boards and sprint over to me, and Yuuri standing beside him looking tired.

"Everybody, meet Viktor and Yurri" I say.

The skaters all approached them quickly, staring at the past olympians in awe. They both gave up figure skating, in the olympics anyway, they still skated here and there whenever they had time.

"Guys I'm sure they're tired from the trip, let's leave them alone for now. We can watch them skate later"

Everyone went back to practicing and I glided up to them. Viktor hugged me tightly across the boards, not letting go for at least a minute. Then Yuuri and I shared a short, loose hug.

"How have you two been?"

"Amazing! I can't believe you're actually coaching!"

"I've been coaching for a while now"

"I know, but I never thought you'd be so good at it"

"What he means to say is you look to know what you're doing" Yuuri says unsurely.

I nod and catch a glimpse of a blonde haired guy walking in. When he spotted Viktor and Yuuri he started backing away slowly. Viktor noticed me looking away and followed my line of sight, sprinting up to the guy.

"Get off of me old man!" The guy shouted.

I sighed and waited for Viktor to let go of Yuri. When he did he dragged him over to me and Yuuri, looking even more ecstatic than before.

"I never thought we'd run into Yurio" Viktor said.

"Why wouldn't we?" Yuuri asks.

"Yeah" I say. "Um, we've been together ever since we started dating"

"How many years has it been?" Viktor asks.

"10, well 7 if you count the three years of high school I did in Canada"

"Wow it's been 10 years?" Yuuri asks.

I nod. "I have to keep working but I'll be done in maybe 5 minutes, we can talk more then"

I turned around and gathered the kids together, telling them to do one of the drills I made up. They had to skate around the ice and do spirals in figure eights. Then I got them to do some stroking and let them go.

"Did you two come straight here?" I ask the married couple while untying my skates.

"He couldn't wait to see you" Yuuri told me.

"You two should go get settled in wherever you're staying, we can go out for something to eat after you're rested"

"Good idea Crystal! Let's go Yuuri" Viktor said, dragging Yuuri outside.

"I forgot how annoying he was" Yuri said when they left.

"I forgot how rude you were" I say, packing away my skates.


I grab his hand, intertwining my fingers with his. "I guess I've just grown used to it"

"Let's just go"

Crystal clear (Yurio x OC)Where stories live. Discover now