2:Old Times

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The plane ride was long, but worth it. We landed and headed straight for the hotel.

"Mom, when can we go visit Viktor" Sara whines.

"He is practicing right now, so tomorrow during the competition. But Crystal-" I look to her wondering what she wanted. "He told me he wanted you to visit him at the rink"

A smile plants itself on my face. I quickly grab my skates and rush out of the hotel, forgetting I have no idea where to go. I search up a map on my phone and somehow manage to point myself in the right direction. I end up in front of a skating rink, my cousin was waiting outside.

"Crystal! You've grown so much since I last saw you" he hugs me tightly.

"Yeah, good to see you too" I manage to say.

He lets go of me and looks me up and down. "You definitely have a figure skaters physique. And your height! You must be about an inch shorter than me!"

"Yeah I'm 5'10, or 177cm" I say while he drags me inside the arena.

We put our skates on and go on the ice. I do a couple laps to warm up then start practicing on my jumps. The best I can do is a lutz. No, not a double or triple just a single lutz. My lack of practice clearly shows.

"Crystal, I'd like you to watch my program. I want to know your thoughts"

I skate over to the boards, turn his music on and watch. He's amazing, I'd never be able to pull off these types of jumps no matter how hard I practice and train. He finishes and I clap.

"Why did you want to know my thoughts? I'm only an amateur skater, you're clearly perfect. You don't need any criticizing"

"I know" he says with a giant smile on his face. I sweat drop at his confidence. "But, I'm not asking about the jumps or spins. I want to know your thoughts on the feeling. Do you think everything works together?"

I think. "Actually, some of your arm movements should be more... softer. I can't think of anything to change, but the arms need to flow more with the music, not that it should be a problem with you"

He smiles widely and goes back to the centre of the ice. I play the music and he does his program once again, except it fits better with the music.

"Amazing" I say, stunned.

"You were right, I was rushing the arms. This is why I love having you around! You are a very artistic person! Now, I want to see you do your program"

"I don't have one. I can't do all those jumps, so I prefer to stick with my interpretive"

"I want to see it" he jumps off the ice, preparing to start my music.

I find my starting point and wait for the music to start. Interpretives can be hard. You need to follow the music, interpret it. But, you also need to follow the theme you have connected with the song.

I skate around the ice, following the soft yet delicate music. There are no difficult jumps or spins. It has whatever I want in it.

"Woo, go Crystal!" Viktor screams as I finish.

I skate over to him. "I think I should get going, my mom won't want me staying too late"

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