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Everywhere I look, people are doing things they love. They fight for what they want. Working their hardest to achieve their goals.

I want that. I want to have a passion. To know what you love doing. I long to become something. Becoming something by pushing yourself to your limits, past your limits. Forcing yourself to be the best you can. Never giving up. Having one thing on your mind at all times, focusing on it constantly. Thinking of ways you can be better and improve.

Figure skating. Dance. I love all these things, but not enough to push myself. I don't love skating enough to work on the jumps and spins so much I end up with bruises from falling. I don't love dance enough to push myself past my limits so I end up sore and unable to move the next day.


My family always loved skating. It wasn't really a competitive thing or anything involving the jumps and spins. They just loved gliding around the ice. My cousin is the only one who loved it enough to go pro. You probably heard of him, Viktor Nikiforov, the Russian figure skater who wins pretty much any competition he enters.

"Hey guess what" my 10 year old sister, Sara, pokes her head in my room, "mom got us tickets to go watch Viktor skate. We're leaving tomorrow"

I look up at her, bored. "Sure. Whatever."

She disappears and I go back to watching my show. I wonder if I'll ever find something to be passionate about like him and skating. I sigh, and get up to start packing. I put my skates in, hoping I can skate with Viktor again. We used to skate together, whenever my family visited from Canada, which was often.

Bring, Bring.


"Crystal! I heard you were coming to watch me skate!" Viktor says in his Russian accent.

"Yep. I'm leaving tomorrow" I say packing another outfit.

"Great! Maybe we will be able to skate together, like old times!"

"Sure, already packed my skates"

He laughs and we say our goodbyes. He is the type of guy that is... free spirited and friendly.

I finish packing and go to sleep, ready to waste the next day on an airplane.


My family was pretty easy going. They didn't care if I was alone for long periods of time as long as I made sure to text them about my whereabouts. This is why I always walk off on my own when we go on vacation, especially visiting Viktor. He lets me stay in his apartment while he is travelling. It's a safe environment, meaning my family would allow me to stay.

I wonder if he'll let me stay at his apartment like old times?

Crystal clear (Yurio x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz