7:Not So Graceful

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"Yuri. I said this a million times. You need to be more graceful. This is a song about love. You aren't skating to Eros, you are not tossing away women. Go again"

Yuri was going through his program, it was about the tenth time. Every time I had to tell him to be less stiff and more soft and graceful. Right now he looked like a robot.

"Why did Viktor have to give me Agape? Eros would've worked much better" he says going into a triple axel.

"He already told you why. You need to do the unexpected, which is exactly what this is"

He cusses under his breath when he fell from a quad toe. "You ok?" I ask, he just shakes it off, continuing with his routine.

He finishes and skates back over to me, his blades roughly hitting the ice, showing how tired and angry he was. I could tell he was really frustrated, he still couldn't find his proper Agape and show it in his performance.

"Yuri" I say softly causing him to look at me weirdly. "You need to think positive. Think about your grandpa, think about things you love unconditionally. Skate with that thought in your head" he stares for a second, processing my words, and goes to skate yet again.

He skates it almost perfectly. Some parts could be fixed, he still looked like a robot, but it was amazing. I clap with a giant smile on my face. He finally got it, he found his Agape. He skates back over to me asking how he did.

"Didn't my applause speak for me?" He just looks at me, a blank look on his face. "Great. You did amazing. Some parts I wanna fix, but it was the best yet"

He smiles, small but noticeable, causing me to be shocked. "Thank you" I'm now even more shocked.

"The Yurio is thanking me?" This causes his face to go back into a frown. "I'm joking" I say gently slapping his arm.

"Now, lets go through those parts I wanted to fix" I lead him through, making adjustments to his arms.

"How am I supposed to do that? My arms don't bend that way" he says. His arms were supposed to be above his head and they needed to bend a certain way.

"Yes you can. Seriously, it isn't that hard" I skate closer to him, and grab his arms bringing them into place. I was focusing on his arms but he seemed to be focusing on how close I was to him. He skates backwards a bit trying to get some space, but I kept trying to fix his arms.

"Stand still. If you'll let me fix them it'll go by a lot quicker" I grab his arms again, keeping him still. "Now your arms need to go like this"

I look down into his eyes, trying to see if he had paid any attention to the arm movements. I found him looking at me, not watching what I was doing.

"What?" I say.

His cheeks become a little pink, but it wasn't noticeable since we were on the ice. "Nothing. Just waiting for you to move your old self so I could skate"

"Fine. If you don't want my help then see you later" I skate towards the boards.

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