10:Emotional Portrayment

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Yuri has worked very hard on his program. He would beat himself out, so tired he could barely stand, but kept skating anyway. I was in the stands watching, he still isn't showing any emotion. Yakov brought in his ex-wife, a prima ballerina, to help Yuri with his gracefulness.

"Crystal, come here" Yakov yelled to me from his position on the ice. I get up and walk over to him.

"I remember Viktor saying something about your artistic views. I want you to help him with his program. He needs to show feeling, right now he looks mad and way too confident"

"Alright. And he's supposed to feel love and happiness, correct?"

"Yes. Ballet can only help so much"

Yakov motions for Yuri to come over and tells about how I will be helping him. He reluctantly agrees, knowing me or his coach wouldn't let him disagree. I let him finish his skating and when he finishes I join him on the benches.

"Alright first step. You need to do something about that anger"

"Like what?" He says angrily, roughly untying his skates.

"I don't know. Maybe try punching something. By the way, what are you even mad about?"

"The old man is making me learn emotions from you"

"Oh, I see. And here I am, thinking you actually didn't mind being around me"

He stands up and drags me outside. "And where are we going?" He doesn't answer my question, but I sill follow.

We end up at Viktor's apartment. "Why are we here?" I ask.

"Viktor has a certain type of tea that I like. I couldn't find any at the store so I'm going to have some of his."

"Isn't that stealing?"

"No, he said I could have some anytime I wanted" he says as I unlock the door with the key Viktor gave me before I left Japan. He told me I could stay in his apartment while he was in Japan. All I could think was, why would he leave a 15 year old girl in charge of his apartment?

Yuri goes into the kitchen and makes the tea. I sit on the couch, turning on the tv. Yuri sits down beside me and hands me a cup. "Thanks" I have a sip. Wow, this is good.

We sit in silence, my eyes watching the screen. My phone beeps. When I look at it there are a couple text messages.

One from Viktor. It read:did you get to my apartment? I answered.

The other was from my mom. She said:how was your flight honey? Text me so I can make sure you're ok. I respond saying I was fine.

I put my phone away, getting a glimpse at the Russian sitting beside me. He was looking at me in the corner of his eyes, thinking I didn't notice. He looks at the tv quickly, probably hoping I didn't see him staring.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"No. Just... thinking"

"Bout what?"

"Nothing important" he snaps.

"Jeez. I was just asking a simple question, no need to get mad" I mumble, crossing my arms.

He sighs. "I'm just worried that after all the help you give me that it won't be enough. I don't know if I'll be able to portray enough emotion" he looks me in the eye.

I smile. "Don't worry! You are doing great, making lots of progress. You will be showing love and happiness by the time you skate"

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