Bonus chapter: GoM Chat Time: Mana Data and her Future-to be-Boyfriend

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-Mana P.O.V-

"Ahh...I'm bored...", Daiki yawned. "Silence Daiki, you're noisy", I resent. "But Mana...I'm really bored, do something", Daiki begged. We have no practice today since Akashi told us to get some day off, currently me and Daiki is on the rooftop, enjoying the view from here.

"Anyway long are you going to sleep on my lap? My leg is getting stiff", I complained.

"Shut up...I'm just bored that's lemme sleep for a moment", he yawned. I continued reading my book, while Daiki is snoring on my lap, well he looks tired so I let him be for today.

"Manacchi!", Ryota came.

"Ah Ryota, you come", I smiled.

"Eh!? M-Manacchi!! Why is Aominecchi sleeping on your lap?", Ryota shocked.

"He's tired, so I let him be", I said plainly.

"Geez Manacchi!! She's taking advantage of you!!", Ryota pouted like a child.

"What's all the ruckus?", Akashi came in with a scary looking face.

He's stiffened when he look at Daiki on my lap.

"Akashi, what is it?", Midorima fixed his glasses.

Akashi glared toward the sleeping figure and pulled his scissor out, "Daiki, I'll give you five seconds to wake up".

"Okay, okay!", Daiki groaned.

"Everyone is already here", Tetsuya came with Momoi and Murasakibara.

"Ara Aka-chin, what's that scissor for?", Murasakibara glomped his chocolate.

"To kill someone", Akashi answered darkly.

"I have an idea", Momoi smiled brightly. "Let's discuss about something".

"Like what?", I sighed.

"I dunno...let's start of by uhmm...hobbies!! I like cooking!", Momoi said happily.

"Me? Collecting figures...and stuff", Daiki yawned.

"I like karaoke!!!", Ryota pumped out.

"Shogi and International chess", Akashi answered.

"Oha Asa", Midorima said sternly.

"International Chess and Video games", I answered plainly.

Akashi widened his eyes,"You like chess as well?".

"Yes, chess is fascinating", I smiled.

"Let's play chess-". "No thank you, I decline", I reject Akashi before he even had the chance to ask.

"I like sweets~", Murasakibara smiled.

"Okay there anyone you like? Like crush?", Momoi sudden question make me flinched.

"Hey, that's privacy", I protested.

"Ehh~, but we're best friends right?", Momoi begged.

"Whatever, my mother just text me. I have to go home earlier", I sighed. And then the atmosphere turn silent...

-Kise P.O.V-

Manacchi slammed the door. "Since Mana gone...", Momocchi put a sly smile on her face. "I will tell you all, about her data". I gasped when I heard that, the rest did the same except Akashichhi. "She's always playing secret with you guys, and I think it's not fair", she smiled slyly. "Satsuki, your dark aura coming out", Aominecchi gulped.

"Don't worry about me, so...any of you interested in her data?", Momocchi glanced. "Me, what's her hobby?", Kurokocchi asked straightly. "The last time I asked her...she said she likes video games and reading books", Momocchi answered.

"What she's doing in her free time?", Aominecchi asked. "Playing chess", Momocchi smiled, she looks satisfied. "So Momoi...why are you telling us her data? If she knows...she's going to...", Midorimacchi glanced at the pink haired girl.

"I'm thinking about getting her a boyfriend", Momocchi smiled.

"B-Boyfriend!?", I screamed mentally.

"Huh? Why?", Kurokocchi sharpened his gaze, probably because he doesn't like the cheerful pink haired girl idea.

"Because sometimes...I sense her, her gaze...her eyes always looks empty,emotionless", Momocchi trailed off. "That's why...I think she need someone to open up her heart or something".

"Hmm~, guess you're right Satsu-chin", Murasakibara stared to the distance.

"That is a foolish idea", Akashicchi growled. "She already has friends, why should she need a boyfriend". "Well...she have us, to be exactly", Kurokocchi stared me blankly.

"Ehehe...yeah Tetsu-kun, you're right...I shouldn't act like this, Mana-chan is the one who have rights to choose someone she like", Momocchi chuckled. "Ah about that...what's her type?", I asked bluntly. The atmosphere stiffened, Momoicchi coughed awkwardly. "About that...", she trailed off.

-Flashback- (Third person P.O.V)

"What's with the sudden question Momoi?", Mana sharpened her gaze, annoyed by Momoi question. "I'm just asking what kind of guy do you like!? There's nothing wrong with it!", Momoi pouted.

"Fine, fine...", Mana glared. "I like a guy...with good manner, calm, leader type, and mature".

-Akashi P.O.V-

Everyone turned their colorful orbs, staring me with meaningful thoughts. "Why are you staring me?", I glared. "The main points are...the guy he likes must be calm and composed", Satsuki explained. Again, they etched their eyes to me.

"Stop staring or I'll gouge your eyes", I snorted

And lastly follow! :)

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