Chapter 10: Study Group

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-Mana P.O.V- (at school)

"Hey! They already set the schedule for the midterm exams!", some student gossiping around. Oh it's been a few months passed by...and there will be a midterm exams. I went to the notice board, the exams will start two weeks from now. "Yikes, math first? I'm not good at it", I mumbled as I saw the schedule. Ryota came, "Manacchi! Akashicchi asked us to meet him in the cafeteria!!", he called me. "Why?", I asked. "I don't really know...but we better go there fast, before the break time over", Ryota whispered.

We went to the cafeteria, everyone already gather there. "Ryouta, Mana hurry up", he glared. "Alright, alright, what is it Akashi?", I slipped off. He glanced at me, "Well everyone already know about the upcoming midterm exams, correct?". Everyone nodded in unison. "Yeah, what about that?", Aomine asked.

"We should make a study group", Akashi implied. "Study group? I'm fine with it", Midorima fix his glasses. "But I hate study~", Murasakibara whined. "Listen, your academic skills can influent our basketball activity, if you get bad scores you can't play in Inter-High", Akashi explained. "Seriously!?", Ryota shocked.

"Oh my gosh...remembering how I always do in test...I practically doomed", I mumbled in desperation.

"So tomorrow, bring me your test results, we're going to have a study group session after school starting from tomorrow", Akashi ordered. "Everyday?", Momoi asked. "Yes, everyday", Akashi added.

-The next day (after school)-

"So Akashi-kun, where are we going to study?", Tetsuya asked. "I haven't really thought of it yet", Akashi furrowed his eyebrows. "How about my house?", I offered. "Your house? Is it alright?", Momoi asked. "Yeah, let's go". After we arrived, Akashi checked our test result one by one. Tetsuya test result was average, Midorima is also the same, Momoi is slightly smart, Akashi...ugh, you know it. The only one who got bad scores are me, Aomine, Murasakibara, and Ryota.

"Seriously!? Me too?", I protested. "Of course, you're bad at four subjects, let's see...they are Economic, Math, Civic, and Geography...but your English scores are outstanding", Akashi examined each of my test result. "Okay then, let's start our study session everyone!", Momoi jumped happily.

-Few hours later (Kise P.O.V)-

"I we have to use this formula to get the answer", Manacchi surprisingly focused about her study. "So how about it? Want to give it a try then? Try to use the same formula on number 3", Akashicchi teach her obediently. We stared them in awe, they amazingly sync with each other...they seems like having fun in their own world. Yep, me and Manacchi were tutored by Akashicchi, while Minecchi and Muracchi were tutored by Momoicchi, Midorimacchi, and Kurokocchi.

"Hey! Manacchi! Akashicchi!! Don't leave me behind!!", I crocodile tear. "Urusai, baka Ryota", Manacchi replied sarcastically. "It's your fault for not paying attention", Akashi glared. "How am I going to pay attention if you guys having fun in your own world!? You guys ignore me!", I blurted out. They stared at each other, I could tell embarrassment showed on their face.

"Uh, well I owe you an apology, Ryota", Akashicchi coughed to end the awkward situation.

"Yes, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable...", Manacchi stuttered.

After that we all laughed, except for Kurokocchi, he's just giggling.

"Hey! What's so funny about it!?", Manacchi yelled in embarrassment.

"You two are really suited to each other", Midorimacchi the first time, smiling.

"Mana and Akashi-kun were meant to each other", Kurokocchi chuckled.

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