Chapter 21: Decision is in your Hands

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-Flashback- (third person P.O.V)

"Akashi, there's something I want to talk about before you go home", Mana said sternly. "What?", Akashi replied in the same tone. "You..have a problem right?", Mana stuttered as she say it. The Emperor though, surprise that Mana was able to see through him.

"Can you tell me...what's weighing you down?", Mana big eyes gazed at him. "That's if you want to tell me", Mana added

Akashi can't tell her the reason...because it's involving her...and his feelings.

"I have no idea what you're saying Mana, nothing can weigh me down", Akashi said menacingly.

Mana exhaled in frustration, knowing that Akashi lying at her. "Akashi, if you don't want to tell me, then it's fine...but remember what your current position is, you're a captain Akashi, if you can't control your emotion your team will fall apart slowly...but painful".

Akashi shocked seeing now he's being lectured by Mana, he was suppose to be the one who lectured her, not the way around.

"Especially the Captain position, it have big impacts for determining the team effectiveness", Mana said calmly.

"Now why are you lecturing me?", Akashi annoyed by her lecture, but in the other hand he actually happy because she care about the team.

"I'm just saying the possibility that might happen if you break down Akashi", Mana dazed,

"Do you think I'm stupid? I'm well aware of that Mana", he spoke.

"Just reminding you, that's all", Mana giggled.

"She is a...Goddess", Akashi amazed by the angelic smile Mana made

-Mana P.O.V- (practice)

"Manacchi! I need your help!", Ryota asked. "What is it?, I groaned. "My agent called me...and she said she need us in the upcoming photoshoot!!!".

"It's true that I pass the audition...", I sighed.

"So? When will the photoshoot session begin?", I stole a glance.

"Umm...I think we can go, after practice", Ryota narrowed his yellow eyes on me.

"Alright", I signaled him to get back to practice.

* * *

"I'm sorry I'm late!!! Mako-san!!", Ryota bowed repeatedly to his manager. She was a female with long brown hair, wearing an office uniform.

"You're late 30 minutes 27 seconds Kise", his manager stomped his butt.

"MAKO-SAN!!! N-NOT MY BUTT!!", he screamed painfully.

"30 minutes 27 seconds...?", I sweatdropped as I heard the 'seconds' part.

"Mana Mayoi, correct? I'm Ryota Kise manager, Mako Ohara. Nice knowing you", she politely introduce yourself.

"The pleasure is mine Ohara-san", I smiled gently.

"Now you should go to your changing room Mayoi-san, your stylist already waiting for your arrival", Ohara-san said sternly.

* * *

"Manacchi!!", Ryota hug almost choked me to death. "Ryota, y-you're choking me!!!", I choked. "Sorry Manacchi", he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

I wore a black night gown, the frilly skirt annoy me, and the rose decoration are not my style.

"This night too revealing", I blushed.

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