Chapter 14: You're Not Alone

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-Mana P.O.V-

"Where am I?", I thought to myself

I laid on the ground, powerless, and fingers bleeding because I tried to reach the top, but it ended up hurting my fingers. Yep, I fell from a cliff. That bastard Aomine must've been the one who wear that mask.

"Am I going to die here Asano-kun? Will I be able to see you again?", I smiled painfully. " the end I always be alone".

"MANA!!!", Aomine voice echoed.

"Is that...could it be?", I tried to stand up, but I'm tired.

"MANA!! THERE YOU ARE!", he looked at me from the cliff, but he panicked and accidentally fell in the same hole as I am. "He's useless now", I rolled my eyes.

"Mana, I'm sorry for scaring you, I-", "I know...", I keep my calm demeanor. But then I exploded and scratch him all over, "YOU'RE SUCH A JERK!! I HATE YOU AOMINE!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME!! I'M SCARED YOU KNOW! YOU PIECE OF-". Suddenly Aomine pulled me into his embrace.

"A-Aomine?", I stuttered. "Mana I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...", he tightened his embraced. "Ao-". "Just let me stay like this...for a while...", he whispered. He continued hugging me, like I'm a precious jewel to him.

"Aomine...why did you do this?", I widened my eyes.

Tears rolled from my eyes, why is it? Well now I'm completely realize...that I'm not alone. I thought I'm destined to be alone since the day you died Asano-kun...I thought being alone is the way I repent my sins...but the fate said different things.

"Asano-kun...I'm not alone anymore", I cried.

"Mana?", Aomine was taken back by my sobbing voice.

"I'm sorry Aomine, I'm pathetic", I tried to hold my tears.

"No, you're not. You're beautiful", Aomine smiled kindly to me. Aomine...he still hugging me. "Is he going to hug me like this forever?", I blushed like a tomato. "U-umm...sorry", he finally let go of his embrace. We sat on the ground, waiting for help. Aomine keep throwing rocks and stick to give signals

"You're not helping", I said straightforward.


He decided to give up and sat next to me, my body is completely cold. I shivered in cold...this is bad. Aomine realizing this, he hugged me from behind. "Aomine what are you doing?", I startled as he encircling his arm around my small body. "Can't you see I'm being helpful?", he smirked.

"Pervert", I blinked. "Hey I just want to help!!", Aomine pissed off. "Anyway thank you're warm", I snuggle into his chest, looking for warmness since my body temperature cold as an ice.

-Aomine P.O.V-

"Anyway thank you're warm", she snuggle into my chest. Her fair skin brushed my tanned skin.

"Screw this...I'm hard, wait...what?", I ruffled my hair in embarassment.

She's cold...her lips are pale and she's shivering.

"I will protect you, no matter what", I tightened my embraced.

I feel it...her breath, her hair brushed my skin, her fragile body in my grasp...

"I love you...I love you...".

"Aomine-kun, I can see that you're hard", Tetsu voice surprised me.

"What the-!? Tetsu!!", my face blushed.

"Aomine...what is it?", Mana scratced her eyes, half asleep.

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