Chapter 20

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  I opened my eyes, but where was I? Everything was so bright, and I could hear my favorite music playing. Had I died and gone to heaven? 

  I closed my eyes again, it was too bright. Why was it so bright? 

  Then I heard a voice, it sounded familiar yet through the haze of my mind and my confusion I couldn't make out who it was. "It's okay Nicky, you're alright now." 

  I reached towards where the voice was coming from, it was comforting and I wanted whoever it was badly. A warm hand slid into mine and I felt happier, knowing I wasn't alone. 

  I opened my eyes again, still half-blinded by the light, but my eyes had started to adjust. I could make out a lot of white, and a smiling face close to me. 

  I blinked slowly, and eventually everything came into focus. A white hospital room, and Joey next to me. "Joey?" I whispered. "What's going on? I thought I was dead... I mean, I'm happy I'm not, but what?" I asked. 

  Now I noticed how breathing was a little harder than it'd originally been, but at least I was alive and so was Joey. 

  "Well... You almost died and you've been in a coma for a week. Nobody really thought you'd make it. You really did that for me?" Joey said, sounding relieved. 

  "Well of course. I'm fine anyway." I replied, brushing off his concern. It melted me inside, that he cared, but honestly I didn't know how to respond to that. 

  "Well maybe you are now, but you weren't before." Joey said seriously. 

  "We're both going to  live though, right?" I reasoned, changing the subject a bit. 

  "Yeah, as long as we take it easy. The doctor said that if you run or do anything that'll make you breath harder than normal you might pass out though... I'm sorry Nicky..." He informed me, looking sad and guilty as he said this. 

  "Why would you be sorry?" I asked, half knowing why but wanting him to admit it so I could talk sense into him. 

  "Because if it weren't for me you'd still be breathing as normal and able to run and stuff." 

  "If it weren't for you I wouldn't be breathing or running at all, and if I were somehow I wouldn't be living." I smiled a little. I didn't know how he'd gotten me to this point, where I was capable of being optomistic and happy. "Since when have I ran anyway?" I pointed out. 

  "Since you ran into me, running away from Chloe." He smirked. 

  "Yeah, well I didn't like that much. I'll just stick by you instead, no running needed." 

  "What if I run away?" He asked with a mischievious grin. 

  "Then I'll run after you, pass out, and you'll come running back so I can wake up in your arms." I stuck my tongue out. 

  "Oh yeah. That makes sense." He laughed. 

  I laughed too, which left me short of breath but I didn't mind. We would both live, and I doubted anything could ruin my good mood now.


I was finally back home, at Joey's house to be exact since I was never going back to mom. We walked in, holding hands, and this time I wasn't scared at all. 

  Joey's mom, who'd now insisted that I call her mom as I'm "As good as her step-daughter already, and even if I weren't then as good as her daughter", greeted us with open arms and a delighted smile. 

  "You're both home! What did the doctors say?" She exclaimed excitedly. 

  "Well he said I'm cancer clear and will likely live a normal life, Nicky won't be running any time soon though there are some exercises she has to do which will strengthen her lung and keep it healthy. But overall we're both great!" Joey explained happily, then snuck a glance at me, "And also he doesn't want to see us again until we're eighteen at least and he expects us together." 

  I rolled my eyes and lightly punched his shoulder. "Keep on track!" I chastised him light heartedly. 

  "Well that's great! And Nicky I can't thank you enough for what you did, you are such a blessing to us." She stepped forward and engulfed me in a tight hug, which I gladly returned. 

  "Hey, are we going to school tomorrow? It's been a week since I got un-suspended." Joey asked.

  "Sure, we can. Nothing and nobody can bother me now." I smiled. I just hoped I was right...

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