Chapter 11

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  "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

  For a minute I was too surprised to respond.  Really? He wanted me as his girlfriend?! 

  "S-sorry that was probably dumb n-never mind..." Joey whispered and his face grew brighter red as he looked down. 

  That snapped me out of my surprised trance. "No! I mean, not like that, no it's not dumb, I mean, the answer is yes!" I rambled stupidly. How could this boy fry my brain like that? How could he get into my cold, dying heart and make it beat so quickly and actually feel again? 

  "R-really? You mean it?" He looked up at me, happiness and surprise glowing on his face. 

 "Well, yeah... I mean it." I couldn't help but smile, was I finally going to be happy now? 

  Joey's smile widened and he hugged me tightly. "Thank you Nicky! I'm so happy now!" He was squealing like a fangirl now, and I couldn't help but laugh. 

  "A-are you laughing?" He asked, really surprised. "Oh my gosh I've never heard you laugh before, it's, it's such a beautiful sound." 

  I felt myself blushing. "T-thanks." I stuttered. "I-I guess I've never had a reason to..." 

  "Well, I'll give you plenty more reasons to. As long as you let me, anyway." Joey said, though he sounded a little... Sad? Worried? As he said it. 

  I looked at him for a minute, trying to get what was wrong, but couldn't figure it out. So... "What? What is it?" I asked. 

  "Well, it's just that sometimes you're so insistent on pushing me away sometimes... I just don't know if I'm doing something wrong-" Well I couldn't let him think that, it wasn't true. I cut him off and explained. 

  "It's not you, it's all me. I just have trouble accepting that I can trust you and... AndthatIloveyou." I said the last part very quickly, not sure if I should've said it or not, before adding,  "You're not doing anything wrong, I'm just not used to letting anyone near me..." 

  "Nicky... It's ok. Take your time with this. And... I love you too." 

  I really couldn't respond, I wasn't used to anyone saying such nice things to me either. We just stared at each other with stupid grins on our faces, happy. For once, I was really happy. 

  I jumped slightly as my phone beeped, who would be trying to contact me? Who even had my phone number?! 

  I looked down at it and gasped as I saw who it was. How had she gotten my number, how did she even know I had a phone? It was my Mom... 

*OwO What does her Mom want?? Actually I don't know even if I'm the author I haven't thought of anything yet... xD 

  Oh and sorry I haven't been updating as much! Well first I got a job (YYYAAAAYYY I'm a weirdo xD I love work :3 I want another job now too.) And second, I MADE A FRIEND OMGGG I HAVEN'T HAD A FRIEND IN YEARS!!!!!! So I've been playing with my friend and working, I'll try to update more though and I'm planning to start another book too!*

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