Chapter 8

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  I groggily opened my eyes, and jumped slightly at the unfamiliar surroundings. I sat up quickly in surprise before realizing that I was in Joey's house, in the guest room. They'd let me stay with them overnight since Joey felt like it'd be mean to send me home to my mom. 

  I hopped out of bed and cautiously peeked out the door. I had nothing to worry about here, everyone was nice, but I instinctively didn't want to be seen. 

  What would I do though? I didn't actually want to leave the room... I guess I'd wait for Joey to come get me. So I sat back down on the bed and pulled out my phone, might as well learn to use it. 

  I realized I didn't even know  how to turn it on, mom had never gotten me one and I'd never even touched one since I didn't have friends. I pressed random buttons on the side until it turned on. 

  After that I was clueless. I just stared at the screen for a while, then it dimmed and went black. Did I break it?! Oh no... Just then there was a knock on the door. I stuffed the phone into my pocket and jumped up to open the door. 

  Joey was standing there. "Hey, you hungry? We have half an hour before school and Mom made pancakes!" 

  Breakfast? Real breakfast? I couldn't remember the last time I'd had that... But then again, I was used to not eating much and really wasn't hungry at all. Did I want to eat? I didn't wanna sound rude...  "Uh sure." I agreed a little awkwardly. 

  "Ok come on! You'll love these." Joey grabbed my hand, making me flinch slightly, and pulled me out into the kitchen. His mom was just putting a plate of fresh pancakes on the table. 

  She gave me a glowing smile, which I tried and likely failed to return. "Good morning!" She said brightly. 

  I wasn't sure I trusted my voice so I didn't return the greeting too. I sat down in the closest spot at the table, unsure what to do. My social skills sure sucked... 

  "Oh, help yourself dear." Joey's mom told me as she and Joey grabbed pancakes for themselves. I picked out one small pancake and put it on my plate, then put a little syrup on it and began eating. 

  Geez this was good! Better than a plain bagel. I ate it all, but by the end I felt a little sick... I wasn't used to eating that much or that good of food. "Is that all you want?" Joey asked, a little surprised. 

  "I'm uh... Not used to eating a lot, that's all I think I can eat..." I said, looking down a little. 

  "Oh, that's ok." Joey told me, then added. "We have to leave in five minutes, I'll go get your bag. Be right back!" 

  I wanted to argue and ask if I could get my bag, I wasn't comfortable alone with Joey's mom, but he was already gone. 

  I looked down at my lap, thinking about what to do, and decided on continuing to stare into my lap. 

  Until my plans were ruined by a question. "Hey Nicole? Why are you scared of me?"

  I wasn't expecting that... At all. I didn't wanna answer that! But... If I didn't she might ask Joey about it later and if he told it'd be worse. 

  "Because every parent I've ever been around is mean... Except my dad but he's gone now..." I whispered, not looking up. 

  Before she could respond, Joey came back in with our backpacks. "Here you go!" He tossed my bag to me and thankfully I  caught it. "Come on now, we've gotta get to school. Bye Mom thanks for the breakfast!" Joey grabbed my hand and pulled me up and out the door. I gave his mom a shy smile before I got outside. 

  It was about a five minute walk to school from Joey's house, which we walked in silence. It seemed like Joey wanted to say something, but he never did, and with my awesome social skills and shyness I remained silent as well. 

  When we got there, Chloe and her gang were out by the doors glaring daggers at me. I was prepared for them to bombard me with insults, so when they started I just tried to tune it out. 

  "Oh the freak is back! O-m-g she's psycho too she took a prisoner! Joey, do you need help? Or wait, how much did she have to do to get you to be seen with her?" 

  I tried to pull Joey away with me, but he'd stopped and was staring at Chloe and her friends. "Come on they aren't worth it... Half of what they say is right anyway!" I whispered and tugged at his hand. 

 He didn't respond to me at all. "Joey we're gonna be late!" I whined. 

  "Just because you're girls doesn't mean I won't hit you." Joey said coldly then walked off to class, leaving them in a stunned silence. 

  "I told you-" I began to say, but he interrupted me. "They can't just treat you like that! How come you take that from them?" 

  "I can't punish someone for speaking the truth!" I snapped before thinking, then pulled out of his grip on my hand and ran to class. I sat in the back and put my head down on my desk, wishing I hadn't said that. 

  He arrived a moment later and sat next to me, but I ignored him and all his attempts to get my attention. 

  Throughout all that day, I just remained silent to everyone, ignoring the insults thrown at me and Joey's continued attempts to talk to me. At the end of the last class, I had all my stuff packed before it was time to go, and the second the bell rang I took off. 

  I'd almost made it to the front doors when Joey caught me. "Nicky! Stop ignoring me, please!" He begged and held onto my hand. 

  "No Joey! I won't let you lose your popularity and waste your time with me! I'm hopeless, ok?! Just go away and find someone else who matters! I'm just some waste of space that nobody will miss! Goodbye." I yelled at him, tears streaming down my face, and attracting quite a bit of attention. I yanked my hand away from him and ran out the doors, running around the back of the school instead of home as I usually did. 

  Where I crashed into Chloe. She grinned evilly as she pushed me down. "We've got some plans for you, ugly. You see, you've made me pretty mad, stealing my guy. Now you gonna pay!" And her gang closed in around me. 

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