A Joust

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"Mother!" Alyss cried when she saw Jaime enter still carrying Lyra. "I'm fine, Alyss." Lyra asked Jaime to put her down so she could greet the queen. "Thank you, Your Grace, for protecting my daughter." Lyra glared pointedly at Tyrion. Daenerys smiled. "Your daughter is charming and very bright. She absorbs information like a sponge." Lyra bowed her head slight. "Thank you. I'm pleased that she behaved herself. Now, about my arrest?"

Daenerys waved her hand in dismissal. "You are free to go. Take your children home and know you and your children are always welcome in the Red Keep." Alyss and Liam were glued to Lyra's side as they thanked the queen before turning and leaving the room. Lyra just wanted to get out of there.

"Lyra," Tyrion's voice came from behind them. The woman glanced over her shoulder to see him standing with Jaime. "Go wait for me over there, children," Lyra told Alyss and Liam. "How can I help you, my lord?" Tyrion winced at the formality. They had been past that. "I cannot apologize enough." Lyra shook her head.

"No. No you can't. You promised me you would protect them like they were your own. You let Mila take my son then tried to hide it from me. I had to kill someone to save him because you couldn't keep him safe. My son had never experienced as much danger as he has since I let you into our lives and I will never forgive myself for that. Or you. Good bye, Lord Tyrion."

With those words, Lyra turned and left the Keep, her children in tow. Tyrion's heart broke at the finality of her words. With those few words, she had ended any possible chance of reconciliation between them. Any chance of a relationship. Not that he blamed her. He had broken his promise to her and hadn't kept her children safe. He had let Liam get taken. He'd caused all of this because he'd become infatuated with yet another whore.


Time passed slowly for Tyrion now that he wasn't seeing Lyra every day. Weeks turned into months. He refused to return to the brothel even though Littlefinger had told him of Lyra's return to work. Jaime still went to Lyra's cottage every few days to train Liam and Tyrion relied on Jaime to assure him that Lyra and the children were well.

"You should go see them, Tyrion," Jaime told him one afternoon when he returned to the Keep. Tyrion barely glanced up from his book. "She doesn't want to see me, Jaime." Jaime shrugged. "Even if she doesn't, the children do. They ask about you. About when you are coming to see them again. Liam even asked if he would see you at the joust."

"Joust?" Jaime nodded. "Queen Daenerys has permitted a joust. Lords and knights from all over Westeros will be attending. Have you not been paying attention during the Small Council?" Jaime asked with a chuckle. Tyrion shook his head. "I have not. At least not to that. When is the joust taking place? And Liam is attending?"

"A fortnight. And yes. Lyra has given Liam permission as long as he stays by my side. Since I am not participating, it should be easy. It will give him an idea of what a knight does when he is not protecting the realm." Tyrion arched a brow. "Is that how you convinced Lyra?" Jaime nodded sheepishly. "How is she, Jaime? Truly?" Jaime gave his younger brother a smile. "Why are you asking me? You should be asking her that." Tyrion sighed heavily. "I doubt she'd see me, even if I tried." Jaime placed his good hand on Tyrion's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "You won't know unless you try."

Tyrion shook his head and Jaime left the room. Tyrion wished Jaime hadn't said anything because now, the idea of seeing Lyra again kept nagging at him. Every time Tyrion closed his eyes, he saw her face. Even in his dreams, her face haunted him. It was always the same.

The first moment, she'd be smiling at him, talking with him as the children played nearby. Then, it morphed. Lyra would no longer be smiling. Instead, she'd be glowering and constantly saying how it was his fault. It woke Tyrion more nights than not. Tyrion groaned and rose from his seat. He was determined to drink himself into a stupor. It was the only way to keep the nightmares at bay. If he couldn't see Lyra in person, he didn't want to see her in his sleep.

Tyrion would get his chance to see Lyra at the joust. He was standing next to the queen when he saw her. Liam was pulling her by the hand. "Your Grace?" Tyrion asked in a hushed voice. Daenerys looked at him with a smile. "I invited Lyra as my guest. I know Alyss would like to learn how the Small Council behaves in situations like this. Not to mention, Liam was already invited as Ser Jaime's guest." Tyrion nodded but did not argue. He was thrilled to see that Lyra was alright, even if she didn't talk to him.

"Your Grace," Lyra greeted respectfully and the children followed suit. She completely ignored Tyrion. "Lyra, Alyss, Liam. Welcome." Liam turned to Tyrion with a bright smile. He had grown so much in the months since Tyrion had last seen him. Alyss as well. "Lord Tyrion!" Liam cried, wrapping his arms around Tyrion, surprising the small man. "Master Liam. It is wonderful to see you."

"Why haven't you been around? We miss you," Liam stated. Then, he leaned in a whispered, "Especially Mother. She asks Ser Jaime about you." Tyrion smiled and patted the boy on the back. "Lord Tyrion," Alyss greeted. She was sporting the same grin as her brother. "Lady Alyss." Tyrion finally turned his attention to Lyra. She looked tired, worn down, but still absolutely stunning. "Lyra." Her hazel eyes met his and he could see the pain there. "Lord Tyrion."

"It is good to see that you still know your place, girl," a sharp voice cut through the little bubble surrounding Tyrion and Lyra. Lyra stiffened immediately and Tyrion glanced toward the voice. "Ah, Lord Chylk. Lady Chylk. Welcome to King's Landing. May I present Lyra." Lyra turned her gaze to the lord and lady next to her. "We are acquainted with Lyra, Lord Lannister. Aren't we?" Lord Chylk replied stiffly. Lyra squared her shoulders and jutted out her chin in defiance. "Hello, Father."    

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