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(a/n: I live! I'm a terrible author for taking so long! I hope this chapter makes up for it and you can forgive me! Also, I still have no face-claim for Lyra XD )

For the next few weeks, Tyrion visited Lyra every evening he could get away. His comings and goings did not go unnoticed by those close to him, but no one knew where he was going except for Jaime. Part of Tyrion liked that. Not because he was ashamed of what he was doing or that he wanted to keep it a secret. But because, for now, Tyrion's visits with Lyra and her children were just that. His. He didn't have to share that aspect of his life with anyone. Then, there was that part of Tyrion that wanted to share it with everyone.

"What is on your mind, my lord?" Lyra asked, bringing Tyrion out of his thoughts. He gazed up at her in surprise. She was smiling down at him and he noticed that her face had almost completely healed. He'd joined the small family for dinner, but his thoughts had run away with him. "My apologies. I was merely lost in thought." Alyss cleared her throat, surprising both her mother and Tyrion. The young girl was quiet for the most part. "Lord Tyrion? May I ask you a question?"

"I believe you just did," Tyrion replied, causing the girl to laugh and blush slightly. "Go on, Alyss. What is it you wish to ask?" Tyrion was only just becoming accustomed to speaking to the children. Lyra lowered herself into her chair as she waited for Alyss to answer. "I, well, I was wondering if you could teach me about the court. The Small Council, mainly." Tyrion blinked.

"The Small Council? Why would you wish to learn about that?" Alyss looked at her mother before returning her gaze to Tyrion. "Well, I want to learn everything I can before I reach womanhood. Mother is an intelligent woman and I wish to be as smart as she is one day." Lyra kissed Alyss' temple and grinned. Tyrion watched the happy moment with a sense of peace and longing. He wanted this.

"Of course, I will teach you, should your mother allow it." He glanced up at Lyra, who nodded briefly. "Thank you, my lord!" Alyss cried and hugged Tyrion. Tyrion stiffened for a moment before returning the hug. Liam, not wanting to be left out, ran over and hugged his sister too. "Mother!" he cried, his voice muffled by Alyss' back.

Rolling her hazel eyes, Lyra joined in the hug. Her arms weren't quite long enough to stretch around all three of them, but Tyrion felt close to her just the same. The feeling of love and the sense home were ever present in the little cottage and Tyrion reveled in it. It was something that had been missing from his life for so long and now he wanted to enjoy it when he could get it. It just felt so natural to him to be there with Lyra and the children.

The bliss of the moment was short lived. A knock on the cottage door interrupted the small family hug. Tyrion couldn't help but smile at the thought. He really felt like part of the family. Lyra left the huddle to answer the door.

"Ser Jaime?" she asked, opening the door even wider. Jaime wore a solemn expression as he looked at Lyra. "Ser Jaime! I thought we didn't have a lesson today!" Jaime smiled sadly and shook his head. Lyra could see that he was fighting back tears. "We don't, Liam," he whispered, his eyes never leaving Lyra's face.

"Jaime, what is it?" Tyrion asked when he noticed his brother remaining in the doorway. Jaime cleared his throat and, in a somewhat clear voice, announced, "Lyra, you have been accused of treason against Her Grace, Daenerys Targaryen, First of her name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. I am here to place you under arrest and escort you to the dungeons of the Red Keep."

Lyra's breathing picked up and she chuckled dryly. "Treason? You must be joking. I've never committed treason in my life! Who has accused me of such a thing?" Jaime shook his head again. "I cannot say. Please, Lyra come with me. It will only be worse if I have to force you." Lyra fought back tears. "What of my children?" she asked softly.

"I will stay with them, Lyra. Until this is sorted out," Tyrion offered. He wasn't sure why he offered, but he knew he couldn't leave Lyra's children alone. "Mother! Wait! Don't go!" The cries of Liam and Alyss echoed through the dark as Lyra followed Jaime from the cottage. "Take care of them, Tyrion. Please." Lyra climbed up onto Jaime's horse and the two rode off. Tyrion ushered the distraught children inside and did his best to calm them.

Sitting the two down, Tyrion stood in front of them. "I will do whatever it takes to bring your mother back to you. I will find out what happened to her." Alyss dried her eyes and sniffled. "Thank you, Lord Tyrion." She cleared the table of the supper dishes and Liam slowly rose from his seat. "Do you really promise?"

"I do. Now, you should clean up and get some sleep. Tomorrow, I will escort you and your sister to the Red Keep and try to discover what is happening to your mother." Liam nodded and hugged Tyrion close. Then, he did what he was asked. When both children were tucked in bed, Tyrion sat in front of the fire and pondered. The only sounds heard were the crackling of the logs and the sniffling of the two children that had cried themselves to sleep.

Tyrion merely sat there, the same questions floating in his mind. Who was responsible?Who would accuse Lyra of treason and why? As far as Tyrion knew, Lyra had never done anything to deserve the accusations. Tyrion was no fool. He knew the penalty for treason. Execution. His hands clenched into fists at the very notion. He couldn't lose Lyra. Not now. He just had to get to the bottom of this.    

Dark Past, Bright Future (A Tyrion Lannister Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ