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(Warnings for this chapter: kidnapping, threats to a child. Typical GoT, really)

It took the sellsword two days to return to Mila. He was carrying a sack. "Did you get him?" The man nodded and set the sack down with a little more force than necessary. "Be careful!" Mila snapped. The sellsword arched a brow before holding out his hand. "Yes, yes. The other half of your payment." She tossed him another bag of coin before turning her attention back to the sack. Whatever was inside started moving and Mila grinned.

She untied the sack and opened her mouth to speak. "Milord Tyr-" she cut off when she realized that it wasn't Tyrion in the sack. It was a boy. His hands were clenched at his sides and his blue eyes flashed with a fire that a boy his age should never have. "That bastard," Mila muttered, "He grabbed the wrong person."

"Take me back to the Red Keep, now!" the boy demanded and Mila laughed. "And why would I do that?" The boy stood up to his full height. "Because I told you to." This only made Mila laugh louder. Who did this boy think he was? She took a dagger out from under her skirts. "And who's to say I won't slit your throat right now, little one?"

"Because Lord Tyrion Lannister would come for you. He would kill you." Mila's devious smile fell. He knew Tyrion? "How do you know that? What are you to him?" Mila looked over her shoulder and didn't notice the boy trying to rack his brain for an idea. When Mila turned back, the boy was smiling. "My name is Liam. And I'm Lord Tyrion's son." Mila's eyes widened in surprise and fear. Tyrion had a child? How had she not known that?

Liam took in the woman's shock with deep satisfaction, proud of himself for thinking on his feet like that. He knew his mother would be proud too. When the man had come, Liam had glanced over at Alyss and tried to shake her awake. She waved him off. Even at eight years old, Liam knew he just had to protect her. He got out of bed and ran to meet the threat. He tried to remember everything Jaime had taught him, but he was still a young boy after all. The man had easily gotten the drop on the boy.

Now, standing there glaring at the woman with black hair, Liam was out of ideas. What if she didn't believe him? What if she tried to hurt him? Her lips upturned into that nasty smile again. "Very well. I won't take you back to the Red Keep, but I will make sure your father comes for you." Grabbing the boy by the arm, she navigated the back streets of the city until she came to a building in Flea Bottom. Liam knew it was Flea Bottom from the stories his mother had told him.

Mila grinned as her mind formed a plan. If this truly was Tyrion's son, Mila could keep the boy until Tyrion gave her exactly what she wanted.


Back at the Red Keep, Tyrion groaned as he came to. He winced when he felt the bump on his head. Who had hit him? Better yet, how had they gotten past the guards? He glanced over at his bed where the children were sleeping only to find the bed empty.

Panic rose in Tyrion's chest. Where were the children?! He got up and ran over to the bed. The bedding was rumpled, but other than that, there was no sign of the children. A sniffling caught Tyrion's attention. Going over to the wardrobe, Tyrion pulled it open. A shaking Alyss was sitting inside. She was sobbing into her knees. "Alyss," Tyrion breathed out, causing the girl to look up.

"Lord Tyrion! A man came and took Liam! It's all my fault!" she sobbed loudly. Tyrion took a hand in his and pulled her from the wardrobe. He pulled her over to a chair. "Take a deep breath. Tell me what happened." She sniffed again and let out a shaky breath. "We were asleep and Liam heard a noise. He tried to wake me, but I ignored him...then, I heard a ruckus. I hid in the wardrobe and the man took Liam!" She dissolved into tears again.

"Shh," Tyrion cooed, patting the girl's hand with his smaller one. "It is not your fault. I should have kept a more watchful eye. I still wonder how he got past the guards." Alyss pointed toward the window. "He came in through there." Tyrion glanced out and saw a small rope down on the roof. Clearly, whoever took Liam knew how to climb with a small child on his back.

Alyss was crying again. "Alyss, I promise you that I will find your brother. No matter what." Alyss dried her eyes. "You will?" Tyrion nodded."Have I broken a promise to you yet?" She shook her head. "No. I believe you. Who's going to tell Mother?" Tyrion's eyes widened. He hadn't thought about that. Lyra was going to lose her mind when she found out. She'd probably never trust him again. Tyrion hoped he could get Liam back before Lyra discovered that he was gone.y

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