The Search for Her

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Tyron searched for Lyra whenever he wasn't occupied with his duties as Hand of the Queen. He sent as many people as he could think of to find her, but the city was vast and no one could seem to track down a single whore in a place so large. Tyrion sighed as he made his way to the Small Council. He had to keep his head straight. He had work to do. Unfortunately, until he knew Lyra was alright, Tyrion wouldn't be able to focus.

"My Lord Hand. How kind of you to join us," Daenerys greeted with a soft smile. "My apologies, Your Grace," was all Tyrion said as he took his place at the table. Throughout the meeting, Tyrion could not prevent his mind from wandering again. How hard was it to find one bloody woman? What if he never found her? "Lord Tyrion?" Tyrion was brought back to reality upon hearing Varys' voice. "What?" The eunuch smiled knowingly and repeated his previous question. Tyrion did his best to focus for the rest of the meeting.

When it was over, Varys stopped Tyrion. "You seem distracted, my lord." Tyrion sighed. "I suppose it was obvious." Then, Tyrion had an idea. "Lord Varys? Do you still have any of your little birds around?" Varys' brow furrowed in confusion. "One or two. I have to find more after what Cersei did with my last flock." Tyrion nodded in understanding. "Perhaps you could assist me then. I am looking for a woman."

"Isn't every man? Well...with a few exceptions." Varys chuckled at his own joke, but Tyrion wasn't amused. "Varys. I need you to ask your little birds to find a whore. Lyra is her name." A look of comprehension passed over Varys' face. "My birds have heard of your search. They are not certain of where she is hidden away but they know someone who is." Tyrion almost smiled at the first real lead he'd had in days. "Who?"


Jaime Lannister hurried through the crowded streets of King's Landing. He was already late and the people weren't helping. You would think they'd have more respect for the knight's armor, but apparently not. Plus, every once in a while, Jaime could swear he was being followed. Yet, when he turned around, no one was there. Sighing, Jaime turned his attention back toward his destination.

Jaime had been leaving the Keep several days a week. He never told anyone where he went, nor did anyone ask. He simply left whenever he could and returned when he felt like it. He was still a knight in the Queensguard, but she also had the Unsullied so Jaime and the other knights had more free time. Jaime used his well. It was full and fulfilling. Jaime was happy, happier than he'd been in a long time.

On the very outskirts of the city, Jaime saw the cottage and a smile spread across his lips. He loved coming here. It was peaceful. "Ser Jaime," a voice Jaime had come to know well called as the door to the cottage opened. "It is wonderful to see you again." Lyra grinned up at him. "How are your injuries? Healing nicely." She nodded as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. Neither of them noticed Tyrion standing in the shadows of the trees, his fists clenched at his sides. It seemed Lyra was just fine after all.h���.5�

(a/n: I know this chapter is a little short, but the next one should be longer :D  Still no idea who to use as a face claim for Lyra though.)

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