No Better Than Bastards

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(WARNINGS: One slight season 6 spoiler. I mean a tiny one toward the end.)

Tyrion watched in anger and, dare he say it, jealousy as his older brother entered the small cottage belonging to the woman that had captivated his mind for months. Was she like all the rest? Merely telling him what he wanted to hear for the money it brought? No. Tyrion couldn't believe that about Lyra. But then, what was Jaime doing in her home without a chaperone?

For a few moments, Tyrion stood there debating with himself. Should he go and confront Lyra and Jaime? Should he stay away and give Jaime a chance at happiness? Deciding on the latter, Tyrion turned with a sigh and headed back to the Red Keep. He couldn't destroy the happiness of his only brother no matter how he felt about the woman and no matter if his own heart felt like it was cracking to bits.

"Tyrion?" Jaime's voice called from behind him. Tyrion turned again to find Jaime and Lyra standing in the doorway of Lyra's home wearing identical looks of confusion. "Hello, Jaime. Lyra." A smile spread on Lyra's beautiful face. "Lord Tyrion. What brings you here?" Tyrion held back a groan. He wanted nothing more than to leave. Even though he was a dwarf, Tyrion had never felt so small. He was in the shadow of his brother's joy.

"I merely came to check on your progress, Lyra. I heard you were injured," Tyrion half-lied. Lyra's smile fell a bit. "Injured...yes," she mumbled, bring a hand up to her cheek where Tyrion could see a couple of cuts. "Did you follow me here, little brother?" Tyrion nodded once. Jaime could see the pain in his brother's expression. "Lyra, could you wait for me inside? I need to speak with my brother alone." Lyra gave a curt nod and turned back inside. Once the door closed behind Lyra, Jaime returned his attention to his brother.

"What are you really doing here, Tyrion?" Jaime asked. "I am here for exactly the reason I told Lyra. Now that I see she is alright, I will leave you to whatever it is you were doing," Tyrion replied, trying to keep the hurt and anger from his voice. The look on Jaime's face told him that he did not succeed. "I wish you all the happiness, Jaime." Jaime's golden brows furrowed in confusion for a brief second. "Wait. You think Lyra and I?" Jaime began laughing heartily. "Lyra is not my lover, Tyrion. Nor has she ever been. I've never even called on her at Littlefinger's."

"If you are not lovers, then why are you here? Is this where you disappear to?" Jaime nodded in response to the second question as he continued to chuckle. Waving his flesh hand for Tyrion to follow, Jaime went back up to Lyra's cottage door. "Lyra?" he called out and the woman opened the door a second later. "Is everything alright, ser?" Jaime nodded. "Of course, Lyra. My brother here is under the impression that we are lovers."

Lyra blinked, looking between the two Lannisters before breaking out in giggles herself. The sound was absolute music to Tyrion's ears as he'd never really heard it before. Still, he fought to keep his emotions in check. "I have no lovers, Lord Tyrion. Only patrons and your brother is certainly not one of them." Tyrion heard the sincerity in her words and nodded. Lyra rolled her hazel eyes as Jaime suggested, "Perhaps we should show Tyrion what it is I'm doing here." Lyra smiled again and moved out of the way.

"Ser Jaime! Is it time? Are you ready?" a voice called out before a small boy with blue eyes and Lyra's brown locks came running toward the door. Jaime smiled at the boy while Tyrion stood there in shock. A child? "It is indeed, young ser. Shall we?" The boy nodded and darted out of the cottage with Jaime right at his heels. Another child, a girl, appeared suddenly as well. "Mother, may I go watch? I've finished all my sewing and the sweeping." Lyra grinned at the girl that could have been a younger version of herself. "You may, but stay out of the way, Alyss." The girl darted from the house to catch up with her brother and Jaime.

"Jaime is here to-" Tyrion began and Lyra cut him off, "Train my son in the way of the sword. Yes. Liam wishes to learn. To hopefully be a knight one day. Would you care for some tea, my lord?" Tyrion followed Lyra inside, completely silent as he took in the new information. "Got anything stronger. You have children. That is why you are so eager to leave." Lyra nodded. "I work as whore only to feed my family, my lord."

"Are they the bastard children of one or more of your patrons?" Lyra glared at him. "No. Although, in the eyes of the people in King's Landing and even my own family, they might as well be. In their eyes, Alyss and Liam are no better than bastards." Lyra's eyes began to water and her hands shook with rage as she poured Tyrion a goblet of wine. "What do you mean?" Lyra stopped moving. "Their father is dead and their mother is a whore who spreads her legs for any man with money."

"Do they know what you are?" Lyra shook her head. "No. Liam is but eight, Alyss is ten. I do not wish them to know such things. They are young yet."Tyrion took a sip of his wine and sat. "Their father is dead? What of his family? Or yours? Could they not take you and support you?" Lyra sighed,clenching her cup in her hand until her knuckles turned white. Through clenched teeth, she replied, "His family is all dead. They were all in the Sept when your sister set it ablaze. As for mine, I am certain they could but they won't." Tyrion could sense her rage. "Why do you say that?" Lyra let out an unladylike snort. "Where do I start?"

(a/n: What do you guys think about Lyra's rather big secret? Two updates in two days!! I may even get a third part up either tomorrow or Monday.After that it may be a while before the next one since I go back to work on Tuesday. Alyss is pronounce A-lees.) 

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