24. Practice Makes Perfect

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A/N "As the smile fell from your face, I fell with it."


Deodorant, check. Pads, check. Fancy dresses, check. Makeup, check. Toothbrush, check. Toothpaste, check. Floss, check. Vibrato-


Why is there a-

"Drew!" I scream out his name, picking up the vibrating machine. I rush out of our, now shared, bedroom.

When I spot him at the breakfast bar, eating some cereal, I place down the vibrator right next to his bowl. He jumps, looking down at the pink contraption.

"Woah, babe. I knew you were kinky.." He trails off, "But not this kinky."

"Very. Funny." I growl through my teeth.

His eyes snap in my direction, before laughing, "It's a present!" He exclaims.

"Present, my ass," I mutter under my breath, walking away.

I don't get far when I feel a pair of arms pull me into an embrace. I huff out a sigh, wrapping my arms around his torso. His strong arms around my neck tighten, and he lowers his head to place a kiss on my head. I smile to myself, pulling him closer to me.

"Mine," he whispers to himself.

I look up at him, "You sound like a werewolf."

He chuckles, his vocals vibrating, and traveling to my body, "I just thought I'd remind myself, and you."

I pull away from him, shaking my head, "Alright well.. I'm going to go finish packing while you finish eating," I roll my eyes.

But before I could walk any further, Drew kisses me once more, leaving me in a frenzy of passion. I finally walk away from him, with the vibrator in my hand. I look down at it..

Well, I mean..

I place it in my bag.


"No, Drew! You were supposed to turn left-"

"It said right!" He exclaims, and presses down on the brakes, stopping the car completely and pulling over to the side of the road.

"That's not what-"

My phone rings. I groan and pull out my phone, "What?"

I hear a laugh on the other side of the line, "Well, hello to you too."

I blush, "Sorry, Lisa. We just can't seem to find the hotel. We landed our flight and picked up our rental car over thirty minutes ago," I glare at Drew. He shrugs, leaning back in the seat, crossing his arms.

"Ahh, okay. So that's why it took you guys so long," she pauses, and I hear something shuffling on the other line, "Why didn't you just take a cab or something?"

"Drew said it would be cheaper," I growl, clenching my teeth and giving Drew a sarcastic smile.

"Well, in my point of view, I guess I have to sort of agree with him. And plus, you don't have to wait around for a car to pick you up," I can already see her shrugging her pale shoulders.

I sigh, "We'll see you in a bit, Lisa."

I hear her chuckle, "Alright, sweetheart. Bye," she hangs up before I can say anything else.

"So, she agreed with me?" Drew gives off a sly smirk.

I groan, crossing my arms and pouting in my seat, "Just drive and make the goddamn left," I mumble under my breath.

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