14. Silent Apologies

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A/N "I constantly wonder what it would be like with you in my arms. But then I remember that I did once have you in my arms, and I almost burned myself trying to save you."


You're my emotional mess.

I shouldn't be over thinking four little words. But here I am. In my shared bedroom with Kyleen.

Kyleen gives me a weird look, "Are you okay?"

I've been hearing and saying those words a lot lately.

"Yeah," I smile, "Just tired."

She rolls her eyes, "I've used that excuse before. Now, tell me what it is."

She gets in a comfortable position, and I look at her. She stares back, challenging me.

"Alright, alright," I roll my eyes, "It was just something Drew said to me. But I'm not sure if I should over-think it. I mean, I am right now. But-"

"Stop," she raises a hand, "First, what did he say?"

"You're my emotional mess." I reverse.

Her eyes grow wide, "His emotional mess?"

"Yes," I sigh out.

"Ooo! Nicole! He likes you!" She exclaims.

I don't stop her, the only reason being is that Drew is currently at the gym to 'blow off some steam'.

"No he doesn't," I chuckle.

She claps her hands together in a fast motion, "I have an idea!"

She jumps off of her bed, and heads towards her closet in the bedroom. I gave her the closet, while I have the drawers.

"Um.. Kyleen.. What are you doing?" I cautiously approach her.

"We're going to a party tonight," she shrugs.

"What?" I squeak.

"I heard that there was a party tonight in one of my classes," She waves her hand.

"Um.. But I don't have anything good to wear," I try to wiggle my way out of going to this party.

"Stop being such a good girl, and go grab your keys. We're going shopping!" She squeals, running past me.

I sigh to myself, but obey her orders anyways.

Might as well go, since I have nothing else better to do.


"Kyleen, this is too short," I look at myself in the mirror one more time.

Kyleen peeps her head in the door, "Hm, you're right. Try on this red one."

She hands me a red cocktail dress, before heading out.

I quickly slip off this green one, and slip on the red one.

I look at my curvey figure, but one thing catches my eyes.

"Kyleen.. This one shows my um.. Boobs too much," I whisper through the door.

I hear her shuffle her feet, and I open the door for her. Her eyes widen, "Woah, Nicole. Too much. You're right.. Um, try on this black one."

I nod my head, shoving her out. I slip off the sufficating red dress, and slowly slip on the black one. It fits like a glove.

Not too short, not too tight, and not much cleavage.

I look at the long, laced sleeves. They reach just below my elbow. The dress only goes so far as to a few inches above my knee.

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