Chapter 36- Adele

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Chapter 36- Adele
"We have to play truth or dare!" Skylla moaned.

"For the hundredth time, we are not playing truth or dare." I groaned.

"Come on Adele don't be a bore!" Delilah added.

"Yea, it's not that bad. We're getting bored anyways."

"Fine okay."

"So Lila, truth or dare?" Skylla asked.

"Truth." Skylla accepted.

"What base are Caleb and you on?"

"Ewww no! I'm not hearing this." I shut my ears but the sound didn't shut.

"Base 3." Lila admitted and I almost puked.

"You what?!? Oh gods gross." I gagged.

"Ann, truth or dare?" Lila asked.


"Adele's room is on the first floor, can you jump from here into her pool? It's 30ft so you can't crash your head." Lila smirked.

"Well, let's do it."

Ann stripped into her underclothes and stood in the balcony. In one swift motion she took off and jumped. All we heard was the water. Well I just hope she didn't die. A few seconds later she resurfaced alive and smiling.

She came back up and I have her my clothes to change in. Then the game resumed, much to my dismay. Ling back I had made a rule that I shall always choose dare when it comes to this game. So when Ann asked me truth or dare, I chose dare.

"You, have to spy on Tobias's window right now. " She smirked.

"What? No! Don't be silly." I denied.

"Are you accepting defeat?" Delilah teased.

"No! Okay fine. I hate you guys." I groaned.

"Love you too." Skylla grinned.

I changed into my workout clothes to help with the tree climbing and stuff. Skylla, Ann and Delilah stood right below Tobias's balcony. I climbed the tree and used the rod of the balcony to swing myself into the balcony. The curtains were drawn but I could hear voices.

"I need this. I have too much to deal with here." Tobias said.

"But you can't just leave! Does Adele know? Heck does Delilah know?" Luke asks.


"So you'll go without saying anything to them?" Jeremy asked.

"Yea, it's the perfect chance. Adele, Skylla, Delilah and Ann have a sleepover at Adele's place and tomorrow I'll leave."

"You know they'll kill you right? I mean you can't go like this. It's not okay." Jeremy reasoned.

"I have to. You guys don't get it. There are things here that haunt me. That hurt me everyday. I'm not running away. I promise. I'll come back. I'll come back if I'm over it or I can fight with it."

"If this is what it takes for you to clear your mind. So be it." Caleb sighed

I couldn't take it anymore. I climbed down and the girls circled me. They asked me what happened but I was frozen. I stay still. He's going. He's going away. Forever maybe. Because of me. I know it!

The girls took me to my room and kept questioning me. I had to tell them something. So I told them a lie. I told them everything was fine. I told them it was nothing. They bought the lie. I have to stop Tobias. He can't go.

We were watching a movie but I wasn't. My thoughts wouldn't leave me alone. Why does it trouble me so much? Tobias is just another friend so then why does it hurt every time I see him become distant.

How was I so stupid?! I like him! Not as a friend but as someone more! I have to talk to him. Before I can lift my phone up to call, Blake's thoughts hit me..... Can I do this to him? I dial Blake's number. I have to talk to him. I need to end things.

"Hello." The voice on the other end says.

"Hi is Black there?"

"Adele oh my god I'm so glad you called! Blake is here, admitted in the hospital. Can you rush here?" Milly (Blake's friend said).

"What?!? I'll be there right away." I hung up and ran to my car.

"Where are you going?!?" Skylla yelled.

"Hospital. Blake. Admitted." That's it. With that I sped away.

I reached the hospital and I swear waiting for the elevator was a pain. The moment I reached the room I dashed in. Blake was attached to machines and his leg was in a plaster. Oh my god.....

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"Car accident. He wanted to surprise you. He drove too fast." Milly said.

I broke down. Tears left my eyes as I fell to my knees crying. Me. All because of me. If only I had told his earlier he wouldn't have been so eager to meet me. I hate it. I hate this feeling.

"Can I stay here? I'll call mom and dad?" I requested.

"Sure thing. I have to leave anyway." Milly said.

Soon everyone was at the hospital. Mom, dad, Caleb, Delilah, Jeremy, Skylla, Ann, Luke all of them were there. Tobias never came. So many questions were asked as to where Tobias was but none of the guys spoke a word.

"You all should go home, it is getting late. I'll be there." I promised.

"Are you sure? You know we can stay." Jeremy asked.

"Go guys. My mom and dad are here too." I assured.

"Yea, I'm here too." Caleb added.

"Fine. Let's go." Luke nodded.

I spent that night waiting for Blake to wake up. So that I can tell him who I truly love. Yes love. I love Tobias. He is the one for me and I know it. My heart flutters for him, it skis beats for him. With him everything is rainbows and roses. If only Blake wakes up, I can stop Tobias.......


Fangirl _Leo©

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