Chapter 9- Adele

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Chapter 9- Adele
He was careful not to exploit me too much. His lips moved smoothly on mine and I felt electrical impulses course through me. The butterflies in the stomach were a way too much to control.

My hands dug into his hair gripping them as if my life depended on it. The feeling was foreign. It wasn't my first kiss but no other kisses brought these feelings in. His hands were restricted to my waist and I appreciated that. I wouldn't be able to handle more touch. Even so little was making my knees weak.

That's when he bit my bottom lip and I grunted. He used this to slip is tongue into my mouth. But realization being a bitch had to hit me. I pulled away. Tobias was smirking while Austin was a burning ball of fire. After the show we had put up, this was gonna be gossip of the whole school.

"You enjoyed it didn't you?" Tobias smirked.

"In your dreams stranger."

"You're always in there." That made me blush red.

We sat in a table together for lunch and I was hearing the gossips around us. Of course I was in it. And trust me I love it if the gossip is good. That's what makes me popular. The way Tobias was laughing, I pretty much figured he was listening to others talk too.

"Eavesdropping are we?" I smirked.

"Oh cupcake I don't do such stuff." He smirked back.

"Sure Prince Charming and I don't like clothes." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on admit it listening to them is fun." I said.

"Fine it is. So lemme listen."

'Some guts that Adele chick has.' Someone muttered.

'Austin deserved that shitty treatment.' I heard two girls discuss.

'That guy is horrible, he cheated on such a beautiful girl.'

'Oh my god I so ship Tobias and Adele!'

'Didn't he cheat on Adele with her best friend?' The last question made me stiffen.

I had completely forgotten. Lilly was not in school even today. But how could she do this? I was her beast friend. I never thought Lilly out of all the people would do something like that. It hurt you know, being betrayed by someone so close hurt.

"You bitch!" Talk about drama goals.

It was as if gods were mind reading. Lilly entered the cafeteria and made her way towards me. Her heels made the screeching sound while her talons like nails looked as if they were ready to tear me apart. What does she even want? I hate her. She finally stood beside me.

"Why are you here?"

"You embarrassed me in public!" Lilly yelled.

"Oh well that's what happens to sluts."

"I'm your best friend!"

"Were, were my best friend. You slept with my boyfriend. We're done."

"You bitch! You knew I liked Austin from the beginning and that's why you started dating him! Now that he's done with you stop feeling bad!"

"Just get away bitch." I yelled. She stomped her feet and walked away.

"Hell broke loose?" Tobias laughed.

"Shut up, she was my best friend. It kinda hurts that she did that." I huffed.

"It's okay cupcake. You have cheerleading after school right?"

"Yes and you have the Basketball results coming up Prince Charming?"

"Yup so I'll meet you at the court? Even your brother will be there."

"Yea, I hope he gets in."

"Oh so cupcake you hope just for your brother to get in?"

"Well, maybe you could get in too." I grinned and walked away.

I was really excited for today's cheerleading. We were starting a new routine because we got two new girls this year and the basketball team was going to have major changes according to the coach. Delilah got into the cheer team too.

"So girls Adele will set up the routine but in the end I need a move where if our team wins all the girls go to the guys. And remember, Adele you have to go to the captain of the basketball team because you're leading." Our trainer Ms. Martina said.

I froze. The captain is Austin. Which means I'll have to go to Austin. I just broke up with him. I hate him. I wasn't the only one who froze though. I saw Lilly stiffen too. Of course, Austin's new found slut and my ex best friend.

"Okay." I managed to say.

"Girls, I have a new routine and so watch me. I'll do it once an then you'll learn it step by step cool?" I asks.

"Yea" Was the common response.

So I started. Cheerleading came naturally to me. I started performing my routine but in the middle of a flip I felt someone's hand hit my leg. My body lost balance and I fell to the floor twisting my ankle. No one noticed the hand but me.


"Holy shit get her up girls!" Ms. Martina commanded.

Forget cheerleading, I couldn't even stand properly. I saw the twinkle in Lilly's eyes. That bitch. The girls helped me to the bench and I sat down. I examined my ankle. It sure looks broken. How will I lead?

"It looks broken." On of the girls said.

"Are you okay Adele?" Delilah asked.

"I don't know how will I lead?!" I sobbed.

"I don't think you will be able to lead dear. In this case, I think Lilly, you are the next best we have. Will you lead?" Ms. Martina asked.

If looks could kill, Lilly would be dead a hundred times over. I was glaring at her. She had done this shit because she wanted to fucking lead! Her face now held a smirk as she walked to Ms. Martina and stood in front of her shooting a fake look of sympathy towards me.

"Ma'am I will do this. I'll do this Adele." She said in a fake concern tone.

"Ma'am could we leave for today? It's almost time up." A girl said.


"Adele. Wait here, I'll call Tobias and he'll help you." Why Tobias? Oh right, he's my boyfriend.

That's how friends I ended up alone with Tobias in my house.

Alone. Adele. And. Tobias. Anyone else who is happy??? Mehh... Just me I guess ;)


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