Chapter 13- Adele

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Chapter 13- Adele
How could Caleb be so irresponsible?! I was alone at home for that afternoon until there was a knock at the window of my room's balcony. I withdrew the curtains to find Tobias in my balcony!

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled opening the sliding door.

"Just came to say hi. I see you can walk a little." He commented.

"Yea idiot. That I could do earlier too in case you didn't notice." I added.

"Last time I checked I'm a very observant person." Tobias smirked.

"Where is Caleb?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean? He was there at school."

"He came home and I asked him about where he was for all this time. He said he was at a friend's place and the party and stuff and then I told him that he just forgot about me. We had this whole fight and he left to god knows where."

"Cupcake, he does care about you. He asked in the morning."

"He did?" I asked and Tobias nodded.

"So since you are alone I want to bless you with my presence."

"What did I do to deserve this." I groaned.

"You wound me Del." He put his hand over his heart in mock despair.

"Drama queen." I muttered.

"Why don't we get to know each other better? Since we're fake dating."

"Okay..." I agreed.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked.

"Blue, yours'?"


"What's your favorite food?" I asked.

"Taco Bell. Yours'?"

"Difficult. But pizza I guess."

"Would you rather have coffee or get free Wi-Fi?" He asked.

"I'll go to Starbucks. It has both." I winked.

"Would you eat a lion or a horse?" I asked.

"What kind of a question is that?" Tobias asked.

"Just answer it you idiot!" I scolded.

"Uhh... Lion?"


"So what do your parents do?"

"They own a law firm together where dad manages the stuff and mom does the law handling part." I said.

"What do your parents do?" I asked.

His movements became jerky and his eye balls shifted continuously from object to another. He was trying to make up a lie. I already knew it. I had seen this look multiple times. Once he got a lie, his movements relaxed and he spoke with confidence.

"They are both doctors." He answered.

"Now you are bullshiting me. I know that's a lie." I stated.

"That's the truth." He said, his jaw clenching.

"Tobias never lie to me. If you can't give me the truth, just say you can't but I just hate liars." I said.

"My life is none of your business and stay away from this subject. We're fake dating. Just don't talk about this shit."

"You were the one who wanted to know each other well but if you just want me to pour my stuff out to you forget it. And you can use the door to get out." I sighed.

"Whatever." And he left.

What is it with him? I mean doesn't he get it? All I asked for was no lies. I don't mind if he doesn't wanna tell me. He doesn't have to get all panicked over the subject. I mean come on he's the one who asked for this shit. That's when Skylla called me.

"Hey Del. Sup?"

"Hey Sky. I'm bored, not doing anything."

"So well be happy again! We're coming over to your house. I'm getting chick flicks!" Skylla cheered.

"Thanks babe. Who all are coming?"

"Oh it's just you, me, Luke and Jeremy."

"Great, get snacks too." With that I hung up.

All of them got home soon but there was no sign of Caleb. Jeremy helped me to the couch while all of us sat down to watch movies. After a lot of protests from both the boys and several hits from Skylla, everyone finally agreed to watch Mean Girls. How cliché huh?

"And it begins!!!" Skylla squealed.

That's how it went until the night. We just sat there together. Not talking to each other but sitting together and getting the feeling of being one. Of course there were comments from Luke and Jeremy all along the movie because it was too 'girly' for them but we ignored that.

"Bye guys!" I said to Luke and Jeremy because Skylla was staying over.

"So, how was your date?!" I asked excited.

"It was super romantic!!"

"Where did he take you?"

"He took me to this fancy restaurant outside the city and it was so beautiful! I absolutely loved it."

"I expected something like that from Jeremy. He's like THE guy for you. Plus don't think I missed all the cuddling you guys were doing today." I smirked.

"I thought no one noticed" Skylla blushed.

"Don't worry. I'm not telling anyone." I smiled.

"Let's sleep. School tomorrow." She groaned.

"I'm resting." I cheered and Skylla just frowned.

Truth to be spoken, I didn't sleep that night. I couldn't sleep. With Caleb out there somewhere not answering my calls or texts and Tobias behaving weirdly, stuff didn't feel normal. I called mom and dad twice today to let them know I'm okay but I didn't say anything about Caleb.

I couldn't find the courage to. How could I destroy mom's image of her perfect child? She would be so hurt. Plus if he's living for once, I'm not gonna be someone who pulls him back. I yelled at him because I became selfish but now, I'm gonna let him be.

About Tobias, it's just plain weird that I care so much. He's my fake boyfriend. Even if he fucks another girl I shouldn't bother but somehow it's just affecting me. Maybe I'll just chuck the whole 'act' part because Austin does not matter anymore. I don't care if he live or dies. So why keep up the act?

At the very same time when I think about dropping the whole act there is fear at the back of my mind. Fear of losing a friend.

Another chapter for you to enjoy and is something coming up for you guys in the 15 n 16 chapters! So wait and watch!


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