Chapter 17- Tobias

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Chapter 17- Tobias
I walked out of Delilah's room and went downstairs to mine. That's when I heard yelling. Mom and Dad were fighting again. Which means I'm going to be beaten up. Shit shit shit I have to do something. I ran towards my room but was held by the collar of my shirt. I also heard the front door bang shut which ment mom had left.

"Where do you think you are running son?" My dad asked.

"J--just to my r-r---oom." I replied.

"Oh no. Not so soon."

His hand came in contact with my face and I flinched in pain. Then came the punches to my stomach. Punch after punch I hissed in pain and felt even ounce of energy drain from my body. Finally he threw me to the floor and kicked me hard. After landing one more punch on my arm, he went back to his room.

I didn't know what to do. I went into my room and took off my shirt to check the damage. My entire chest and stomach was bruised and there were little cuts on the shoulder region. Well, nothing too bad. I traced my tattoos.

I had only two. A bird near the waist band of my jeans and a lion at the back of my shoulder. Where ever my dad hit me the most, I got a tattoo there. So today is no different. I got into my car and drove to the tattoo parlor. (All tattoos in the picture above)

"Hey Tobias!" Blake greeted.

"Hey mate."

"So what tattoo do you want today?" He asked.

"I want a single wing like the angel."


"Rib cage."

"Why do you always get a tattoo where you are injured? It hurts as fuck bro." Blake said.

"That's exactly why."

Blake didn't ask any further questions and began making the tattoo. It hurt. Hurt is an understatement. There is a thing with tattoos, the more muscle on the place, the lesser it hurts. Rib cage tattoos are the worst because it's hella boney there. Plus my bruises.

"It's done." Blake sighed.

"So Blake, have you decided what school you want to go to yet?" I asked.

"Yea maybe. I'm not sure though. If I can afford the fees." Blake shrugged.

Blake is 19. A year older to me. He hasn't been to high school because his parents died when he was young and later he couldn't afford high school. He set up a tattoo business with whatever money he had left and now finally this year he's thinking about high school.

"All the best mate. I'll take a leave." I left the place and went back the hell hole I called home.

I know I can complain and my dad will be sent to jail and that my mom will be declared incapable of taking care of Delilah and me but no. If something like this happens, Lila and I will be separated. No foster family will be ready to take in two teenagers and it is how the society works.

So even if I have to bear the torture, I have Delilah with me. Once I turn 18, I'll move out with Delilah's custody. I have all of it planned. I am working for the call centers and earning quite a lot. I have a lot of savings which can easily buy me a two bedroom house. That's enough for us both.

"Where did you go?" Mom asked as I entered the house. She came back so soon?

"Just somewhere."

"Tobias you will not answer like that. When I ask something I need a perfect answer."

"Tattoo. I went to get a tattoo."

"You and your stupid teenage addictions. Next I know you'll be wasting my precious money on drugs." She spat.

"Only if you did know mom. Just FYI, tattoos are not stupid. They mean something and that's why you have them on your skin."

"Oh don't teach me bullshit son and go to your room!" She yelled.

I just followed what she said and went to my room. Sleep didn't come. But somehow I didn't feel alone. It was as if I wasn't the only one awake. I felt that tonight, there were many people who would remain sleepless.

Call me sadistic but I liked the fact and other people are not getting sleep either. It's as if they aren't here but are giving me company on the journey of life. As if it's not just me who is dealing with my problems but it is them helping me too.

It's the first time I don't feel alone and this makes the situation even weirder. I'm used to facing things alone. But somehow something makes me feel that tonight is a new beginning of new chapters of life that I will soon disclose.

The next morning I did my morning tasks and got ready. I was up early because first I have to sort things out with Adele. I just know that I have to do this. We fake dated but she's like a friend to me. So well it's not fair if I do something wrong and not go apologies.

I rushed to her house which is well next door. I rang the bell and Caleb answered the door. He told me Adele was in her room lazing because well she didn't have school to attend. Talk about being lucky. I knocked at her door.

"Who's it?"


"C--Come in."

"Hi" I smiled.

"Hi, come sit." She offered.

"Cupcake I'm really sorry about that outburst. I shouldn't have done that."



"It's Adele. Not cupcake."

"Adele please don't do this. I don't want to loose us."

"There was never a us Tobias. It was just you and me. We never dated remember?"

"Oh come on! We are friends so there will always be us!"

"Who said we were friends?"

"If we weren't, you wouldn't be affected by my words." I was about to leave when she held my bruised shoulder and I hissed in pain.

"What happened?" She asked.


"Tobias I need answers. I don't care if I'm being demanding but I need to know. Right now."

"Well then, it's story telling time."

Tobias's whole story is gonna come out. And wait and watch, something's gonna happen that has roots in Emily and Lucas's pasts.... BEWARE. Danger lies ahead.


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