Chapter 34- Adele

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Chapter 34- Adele
Tired. One word, so many feeling. I walked into the school like a corpse. It has been a week and this project is killing me. I haven't slept in forever! I entered my class and sat in the seat. As the lecture started, I fell asleep.

"MS. ADELE HENSWOOD!" I woke up to the teacher staring at me. Shit.


I really wanted to say a yes but I can't really do that can I? She'll kill me.

"YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SAY YES!" Oh shit I said that out loud....!

"I'm so sorry ma'am I didn't mean it!"


I went to the detention room and the teacher was asleep. Do these guys get paid to sleep?! So I went, sat on a bench and slept. When I woke up..... It was lunch.... Shit. I missed most of the school?!? The detention teacher didn't wake me up?

I made my way to lunch and everyone was already on the table. They were all giving me weird glances as I went towards them. Of course, I missed all classes and suddenly showed up at lunch. What do you expect?

"Where were you? Have you checked your phone?" Blake asked.

I hadn't checked my phone. So I did it then. 8 missed calls from Blake, 5 message from Blake, 3 messages from Lila, 3 messages from Luke and Jeremy and 5 messages from Caleb, 3 from Skylla and Ann. Last but not the least there was one message from.... Tobias..... I open it.

You okay? -From Tobias.

My heart fluttered. Now I know why these guys were so worried. Tobias was in my first class today..... He told everyone.... He still cares. He's still my friend I just have to bring him out and I HAVE to do it.

"Guys, I fell asleep in detention. Not much. Just chill." I said.

"No, that's it. I'm not taking this shit anymore. Del you are not doing this project." Blake ordered.

"Adele. I have to talk to you. Alone." Tobias sighed.

"Okay." I blinked at Blake in assurance before following Tobias towards the lockers.

"I'll do it. Take care of the baby."

This is the first time he has spoken to me in so long. It feels different to hear his voice. It feels almost foreign. But I like it. I like the sound of his voice. I stare at him just like that not responding.

"So? Is it okay?" He asks and I snap out of trance.

"You know I can do it right? We had a deal so it's okay." I assured.

"Sure. I saw you in class today morning and falling asleep in detention? I'll do it."

"I didn't think you notice me anymore Tobias. It is almost as if we don't know each other."

"I didn't notice you? I notice every move you make. I notice the bags under your eyes, I notice how your smile has coiled away, I notice how you keep yawning all the time. I notice it all."

"Then why don't you tell me to stop. Why be cold to me all this time? Why not talk to me help me even? Do you not care about the friendship we had?" I ask.

"Care? No. Treasure? Yes. I treasure our time together but I can't have it anymore."

"Why?" I asked sounding desperate.

"Because I want more than that. I want to be more than friends and we can't because you like Blake."

What do i tell him? I can't tell him how I feel about Blake. And even though I don't like Blake, I don't know if I like Tobias either. So I thought for a moment. Understanding what to say to him.

"We can be friends if nothing more." I suggested.

"You don't get it Adele. I can't do it. I can't see him hold you like his own, I can't see him touch you when I want to do it, I can't see him claim your lips, I can't see him doing all those things to you because it hurts. It is as if everyday piece by piece my heart breaks. I can't do it, I am too weak for that."

I wanted to cry. He likes me! He's in pain and I don't know what to do. I want to help but I'll just increase the pain. That's all I ever do don't I? I will break Blake's heart and I have already broken Tobias's. Why me? How do I always manage to fall in such situations?

"You could have talked to me. You didn't even try. It was almost as if YOU didn't care."

"No, not at all. If I didn't I wouldn't be there that night when you were drunk!" Did that slip out of my mouth! Shit.

"What night?"


"Answer me now Cupcake."

"No it's nothing." He pushed me on the wall trapping me between his arms.

"What are you talking about?"

"When you were crying and drunk. I was the one who comforted you." I confessed..

"You were actually there. I knew it! But then why did Lila say that I was dreaming?"

"Because i asked her to."

His face was so close to mine. My heart was racing. The butterflies in the stomach returned but there was an addition to the situation. When he touched me, sparks erupted. I could feel our closeness. His breath smelt of mints. So good.

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Fangirl _Leo©

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