Chapter 33- Adele

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Chapter 33- Adele
I don't like him. Shit shit shit shit. I don't like him. I don't like him. I don't like Blake! I mean I like him but I don't 'like' 'like' him that much! He makes me happy and love him as a friend but I can't date him.

Today's date proved it to me. We were about to kiss but his touch didn't make me feel the sparks. Yes there were butterflies of excitement but nothing else. In fact I was kinda glad that Beata interrupted us.

I couldn't sleep. Because I couldn't. I was thinking about how do I tell Blake. How do I tell him about my feelings? I don't get it. He's my best friend, I can't break his heart.... I don't know what to do.

"Hey Del you aren't asleep?" Mom asked entering my room.

"No mom. I'm confused." I sighed.

"Tell me. Maybe I can help." She smiled.

"It is just stupid teenage stuff mom."

"Trust me Del teenage stuff is not always stupid. I agree for some people it is. But for you and Caleb it is ought to be different. I found dad in teenage remember?"

"Mom, I love Blake but just like a friend. I don't want to break his heart mom but I can't date him. It will break me."

"Adele, love is a very sensitive issue. It's kinda stupid in the beginning with silly and unusual feelings but then later it becomes tough and painful. You need to understand that if both the partners are not willing to take the risk then it won't work out. You'll pass the 'silly' phase but fail in the tough and painful phase. Love is not about sharing happiness or a thing that will make you happy,it is deeper. It is the the idea of making your self venerable to a person and making sure that they are venerable to you and promising that both of you won't break each other."

There was silence for some time. I was trying to comprehend what mom had said. It was difficult, deep but somehow it fell in place. But I couldn't do it. Blake likes me and I know he'll hold on. And about me, I will like him eventually. It will all be fine.

"Thanks mom." I smiled.

"Anytime baby." With that she left.

Now that I was finally feeling sleepy and no thoughts were on my mind, Beata would start crying every half an hour. I have never wanted to kill someone so bad. I'm never ever having a baby in real life. I hate babies.

The next morning was bright and sunny. Another fresh day. NOTE THE DYING SARCASM. The morning couldn't be worse as usual. The only thing good about school is that I get away from this pathetic excuse of a baby. First lecture was with Blake.

"Hey!" Blake smiled brightly.


"Are you fine?" He asked.

"Yea I'm good. Just a little tired."

"Oh come on Adele I can see your face screaming tiredness. Want me to take care of that child?" He asked.

"No! No that's okay. Plus aren't you take your kid home today?" I reminded.

"Holy shit yea....! I had to meet Lily in the parking area!"

"Go! Stupid." I giggled.

He's so sweet! How can o break his heart when he's ready to do everything for me? Every bloody thing. But why can't I love him back? Doesn't he deserve it? The day was pathetic as always and then came lunch.

Everyone except Blake was already at the usual table. Tobias was being his cold self so I didn't even try to talk to him because it would only cause a fight and I don't wanna make a scene. Then I saw Blake come towards our table.

"Sit here." I said patting the seat next to me.

"Yea." He smiled and sat down.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Okayish. How was yours?"

"Boring as hell." He frowned.

"So cute." I said pulling his cheeks and we both laughed.

"Some of us are trying to eat here. So go get a room." Tobias growled.

What's wrong with this asshole? It's not like im kissing him and rubbing it in his face. He needs to stop bring so worked up about such small things. It's not like a own me and he isn't even my friend to advise me. So he should not interfere in my thing.

"Woahh... Chill mate. Sorry." Blake said.

"Anyway, guys how's the project going?" Ann asked.

"Pathetic!" Skylla and I yelled.

"Thank gods Luke is taking the baby today." Skylla sighed.

"Same. Jeremy is taking the baby today." Ann cheered.

"I have to keep the baby." I sighed.

"I can help." Blake offered.

"Trust me one baby is a pain you won't be able to handle two." Caleb said.

"Tobias, why don't you take the baby? She's pretty tired mate." Luke said.

"We had a deal. I'm not planning to break it." Tobias said.

Okay ouch. I was kinda expecting Tobias to help me. I mean I am tired as fuck. The baby won't let me sleep for gods sake. How am I supposed to manage these things for two months when I will be deprived of sleep?

There wasn't any major talking after that. Just simple things about the latest hot topic, gossip and the guys talking about their new games and stuff. I took this time to zone out. There was so much coming my way. So much to do.

Did I tell you my plaster was off long time ago? Must have forgotten.... (I genuinely forgot to write about it). So well yea, the match is in a month and our routine is not completely done. To Lily's disappointment, I was declared the head of the squad again so I had to teach my routine to everyone.

Just like, lunch got over. Then school. I went home and TIRED to catch some sleep but we all know why I couldn't sleep. So I studied. Looks like I'm gonna be sleepless for making time.

My lovely people! Another lovely update! Enjoy.

Fangirl _Leo©

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