Chapter 32- Blake

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Chapter 32- Blake
Our face were inches apart. I was about to make the first move and...

Beata began crying.... Shit man.

"I should go." Adele said grabbing the baby.

"Yes, sorry if this was boring." I said.

"Oh gods no! It was the best!" She kissed me on the cheek before leaving.

I was left alone. To dwell in my own world. I drove home.... Home. Funny name huh? Everyone knows the concept between 'home' and 'house'. I never had a home before because I thought I need people to make my house home.

But then later I realized it's not people that make your house home, it is love, it is affection. My love was my talent and job. Tattoos. It is funny how earlier I used to hate them but eventually I got their meanings.

That's when I realized the importance of tattoos. That's when my house became home. If you haven't guessed yet, I live above the tattoo parlor I own. It make me feel wanted. I reached home and fell on the bed without bothering to change.

Adele. She is so beautiful. Everything about her is so perfect. I mean she looks pretty, she's smart, she's sporty (cheerleading), she is herself...... I don't know what to say. When I left her all those years ago, guilt was eating me alive.

Every day I thought about her smile that must have faded, every night I pictured her angry and confused as to where I was. But when I came back.....boom. I didn't even feel as if she missed me.

She was so happy without me too. Tobias had replaced me by the time I returned. I expected her to be all sad and gloomy because I wasn't there but she was happy. I know I sound selfish but that's what I felt.

Later I realized that I was always a part of her life. I learned that time healed wounds and that if I wanted to important in Adele's life I can only do it by with her and not by making her miss me.

I can only do it by trying to make her laugh, not hoping that she would cry because of my absence. That's why I proposed her as early as I could. I didn't want anyone to take her away from me. This time I won't let go. I fell asleep occupied in her thoughts.

When I woke up, I was already late for school. I quickly rushed to school and some how made it in time. I wish I could wake up a little early so I didn't have to run all the time. In the first lecture I met Adele.

"Hey!" I smiled brightly.

"Hi." She wasn't herself. It was as if she was drained of energy.

"Are you fine?" I asked.

"Yea I'm good. Just a little tired."

"Oh come on Adele I can see your face screaming tiredness. Want me to take care of that child?" I asked.

"No! No that's okay. Plus aren't you take your kid home today?" She reminded.

"Holy shit yea....! I had to meet Lily in the parking area!"

"Go! Stupid." She giggled.

Not like I was eager to meet Lily but well I ran to the parking lot. I could spot her from quite a distance. Nobody else wore such high pencil heels with flashy clothes. So it's difficult to miss her.

When I stopped in front of her she was glaring at me with her hands on her waist. I scratched the back of my head waiting for some excuse to pop up so I don't have to suffer this. Where is my smartass brain when I need it?


"Save it. You take this shitty baby today and keep it for two days! I'm going home because I have slept in forever and I need my beauty sleep." She said and left.

I burst out laughing. Beauty sleep?!? Oh my god I didn't know people still take 'beauty sleep'. But looks like she does. I submitted the baby in the office and went for the second lecture since I already missed the first.

The entire school day was stupid. I didn't have any common lectures with Adele and anybody else in the group except Tobias. I tried talking to Tobias but he never responded. Well, maybe lunch will be better. I walked to the cafeteria and took my lunch tray. By the time I reached the table mostly everyone was already there.

"Sit here." Adele said patting the seat next to her.

"Yea." I smiled and sat there.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Okayish. How was yours?"

"Boring as hell." I frowned.

"So cute." She said pulling my cheeks and we both laughed.

"Some of us are trying to eat here. So go get a room." Tobias growled.

"Woahh... Chill mate. Sorry." I said.

"Anyway, guys how's the project going?" Ann asked.

"Pathetic!" Skylla and Adele yelled.

"Thank gods Luke is taking the baby today." Skylla sighed.

"Same. Jeremy is taking the baby today." Ann cheered.

"I have to keep the baby." Adele sighed.

"I can help." I offered.

"Trust me one baby is a pain you won't be able to handle two." Caleb said.

"Tobias, why don't you take the baby? She's pretty tired mate." Luke said.

"We had a deal. I'm not planning to break it." Tobias said.

I don't get it. These two were like best friends! What hit them? Is Tobias okay? Because he's being really weird lately. He's being so distant towards everyone except Delilah. What is happening I have no idea.

All this started once I ask Adele out. Is this because of me? Am I interfering with Adele and Tobias's relationship? Am I restricting two people who love each other? God this is getting messy. I have to find out. And it has to happen soon.

One more chapter for you guys. Just about time that Blake realizes too. Let's see what happens. Oh btw I'm on #teamblake.

Fangirl _Leo.

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