26|But Wait...Me?

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"Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT. You're telling me that you told her that you were going to go have kinky butt sex with Chris?" Dan says with disbelief.

"LOUD, kinky buttsex, Dan. Loud." Pj corrects.

Dan lets out a shocked laugh. "I just don't believe it." He shakes his head, and shoves his noodles in his mouth.

God, I wish I could be like Dan, and eat whatever I want without looking like a hippo.

"I can't believe you used the terms 'lubey', and 'queer' to describe it." Phil says.

Pj laughs. "I don't even know where that came from."

Phil has a question that is eating him alive. Pj had shouted that he was possibly in love with Chris which was what caused Darla to hit him. Was he really? Phil hopes so, that'd be great.

"Pj, do you actually like Chris that way?" Phil asks.

Pj hesitates. "I mean, no...I don't know. Maybe I do, maybe I did. I just don't know."

Phil and Dan share a look. Yeah, right Peej. Pj can tell they know something he doesn't. "Should we tell him?" Dan says to Phil.

Phil has a hesitant expression. "I don't know, Dan it was sworn to secrecy."

Pj feels left out. "Tell him what?" Pj asks.

Dan and Phil ignore him. "You know that this could change everything forever." Phil adds.

Dan nods. "Yeah, but I think he deserves to know."

"What do I deserve to know?!" Pj says a little louder. They finally look at him.

Phil sighs, "Pj...there's something that you need to know."


"Do you remember that Fourth of July last year?"

Pj laughs, "You know damn well I don't remember a single thing that happened that night. Just drinking, and then boom. Literally."

Dan shakes his head. "You missed out on some good memories."

Phil nods smiling. "Mostly because you were locking lips with someone instead of watching the fireworks."

Dan laughs. "You were pretty busy with them."

Pj raises an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

They laugh some more. "Your make out session was a little more than just any make out session, and I think it's time you learn something we've been keeping from you."

Pj's eyes widen. "Who? Who was it with? Do you know? Were they hot?" Pj asks curiously.

Dan and Phil look at each other at the same time, and share smirks. "Chris." They say in sync.

Pj just stares.

For what seems like thirty years his pale green eyes stare with the size of the moon.

"I don't understand." Pj says. "I did not kiss Chris, and forget about it."

Dan shrugs. "Yeah, you did."

Pj stares some more. "No way."

"Paige took pictures, hunty stop living in denial." Phil says. Dan laughs.

Pj's mind is all over the place for the one- hundredth time today. He's kissed Chris. He'd done it before. He was snogging Chris under the fireworks, and he doesn't remember a thing.

"Does Chris remember?" Pj asks quietly. Does Chris remember what it was like to kiss me under the fireworks? To hear the loud music pumping songs through his veins, and feel my body pressed against his as we sloppily fight with our tongues? Does he miss the feeling?

Dan looks at Phil for an answer. He's not sure himself. Does Chris remember? That would be terrible. The last year with Pj must have been hell if he did.

Phil sighs. "He came to me crying one day. He was a mess. He looked me in the eyes, and said he can still feel your curls between his fingers, and the gentle wind of July. He can still feel your soft lips, and the music. He told me that nothing had ever felt so empty than the day he found out you didn't remember the passion. I think that Chris, despite his intoxication, remembers that night better than any of us."


Pj stood at Chris' door with no plan on what to say. Chris has watched him fall in love once since their kiss. How he beared it, Pj didn't know, but now he knows that he needs to talk to his best friend.

Pj had stayed over at Phil's that night he found out. He didn't want to go to his apartment, and his friends made him feel safe. He slept in the second guest room. God, Phil's place was nice.

Pj was thinking about it when he knocked on the door. Phil is only a YouTuber, but that place is pretty swanky. He probably has a sugar daddy somewhere. Nah, Phil most definitely IS a daddy. Maybe I should become a YouTuber...

That's when Chris opens the door, interrupting Pj's train of thought. They say nothing, but stare thoughtfully.

Chris steps out of the way, and gestures for Pj to enter. They don't need to waste words right now. They have a lot to talk about.

Pj walks in, and Chris shuts the door, and faces him.

"What did you come here for?" Chris asks crossing his arms over his chest.

Pj pushes Chris up against the door suddenly causing him to gasp at how close he is. Chris is in so much shock he can't blink. It's happening so fast he can't catch up. Pj just smirks. He leans in close and whispers,


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