18|Punish Me

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"Paige! Oh, I haven't seen you in forever. I've missed you so much." Dan says into Paige's shoulder. He's giving her a very tight hug that is suffocating her, but she doesn't mind.

"I missed you too, Dan. You look all grown up. You're almost taller than Phil!" She smiles at Phil who laughs. Dan was almost taller than him, and he really did not like it. He hugs her gently.

"Hi, Paige." He says quietly.

Phil and Paige are very close. He's known Paige since he was 12. She has lilac hair, and dark brown skin. She's very into anime, and sports. Phil never really understood the sports thing, but she liked to do it so he didn't really judge. Paige was an open lesbian. She didn't mind people knowing. Phil wishes he was like her.

Phil doesn't know why, but he's always been very protective of Paige. From the moment he met her. He knows she doesn't need it. She's very strong. But he still always has been, and it's been forever since he's seen her.

"Hi, Phil." She replies pulling away. "I've missed those blue eyes."

Phil laughs. "And I've missed your light brown ones."

She looks around the flat with the same child like manner Dan did. Her skirt twirls with her. "Wow, this is nice." She says in awe.

"Thanks." Phil says. He isn't quite sure why people think that. It's just an 'apartment', but people seem to see more in it than he does.

"I know, right? This place is so cool. I'm staying with Phil for the whole summer." Dan says.

Paige stops twirling. "Alone?" She asks. The colorful runner raises her eyebrows, but she has a very cheeky smile on her face.

"Yes, alone." Dan says. "Why wouldn't we be?"

She winks at Phil. "Just asking..." She says. "The whole summer just you two? What do you guys do...alone... here...together?" She has the most devilish grin on her face.

Phil is trying to tell her to stop by sending her a warning look, but she ignores it.

"We play video games, talk, browse tumblr, talk, play videogames." Dan says. "Nothing special."

Paige sighs. "Damn. Thought you guys would be getting up to some lewd activities by now, but guess not."

Phil's face flushed red. Why was Paige like this?

Dan laughed. "Lewd activities? Phil can barely masturbate right."

Paige's mouth fell open. Phil spun around to face him. Dan was teasing him he knew. Trying to get him riled up so he'd push Dan against the wall, and show him what he can do.

"Excuse me?" Phil says daringly.

"Oooooohh. Dan just told Daddy's secret." Paige says.

Phil glared at her, but she smiled wider. An innocent smile that made him shake his head.

"I bet you're real quick too." Dan says with a smirk.

Phil narrows his eyes. "I am not."

"Oh, yeah?"


"Then prove it." Dan says stepping closer to Phil. The urge to show him exactly how he felt when Dan talked like this was strong, but he held back.

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