25|This Little Piggy Needs Gay Butt Sex

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Pj knocks softly on the oak door. He's surprised Phil even hears him. Phil opens the door smiling as if he had just been laughing. He sees Pj with tears streaming down his face. His smile immediately disappears.

"Peej, what's wrong?" He asks.

Pj breaks down right there. He runs into Phil's slightly taller embrace. He's a blubbering mess in Phil's arms as he tries to think of an answer for what's wrong. Everything, and nothing at the same time.

Dan comes up from behind Phil setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Phil what's going on?" He says. Then he sees the emotionally destroyed, curly haired, bisexual, cliché, British, young cis white male, beautiful, human thing crying loudly in Phil's arms. "Oh."

"Peej why don't you come inside?" Phil asks sweetly as he pulls him into the apartment. Pj only nods. Dan moves out of the way as Pj is dragged in the sweetest way possible.

They sit him on the couch, and Phil lets him cry into his chest as he runs his hands on Pj's back endearingly.

"It's okay, Pj. It's okay." He whispers. Pj sobs louder.

Then he stops all at once. He hops out of Phil's arms. "I have to go." He says blankly. He knows exactly how to be happier. One step at a time.

"Wait, what are-" Dan starts.

"I'LL BE BACK!" Pj shouts as he throws open the door.

"Wait, Peej where are you go-"

"LATER!" He replies, and then he's gone.

Dan and Phil look at each other confusedly.

"What was that?" Dan asks. Phil shrugs.

"Drugs?" He suggests.

Dan shrugs this time. "Considering the fact that he's dating Darla I wouldn't put it past him."


Pj is running again, but he's not crying. He's running to Darla's house. It once was a place he'd call a second home, but now it's just a house. A house he has stayed at many of times, but never lived in. With a girl he once loved.

He knocks on the door like an insane person because he forgot his personal key. The one she gave him a month ago. Darla opens it while he's knocking with an angry look on her face.

"Pj you idiot stop being so loud." Darla says.

Pj ingnores her. "Darla, we need to talk." He says.

She rolls her eyes, and closes the door behind him as he walks in. "About what? Your stupidity?" She says.

"Yes, actually." He says. She raises her eyebrows.

"I am pretty stupid for ever thinking I loved you." Pj explains.

Her eyes widen. "Excuse me?" She says.

"You heard me."

She scoffs, "Pj what is wrong with you?"

"No." Pj says sternly. "I won't let you make it seem like there is always something wrong with me. The real question is what is wrong with you."

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