8|Sick As Frick

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"Hey, Phil."

Phil looks up from his lunch to be met with greenish blue eyes. "Oh, hey, Connor." He replies.

Connor smiles, and sits down. "I've got something to confess, and I don't know how to tell anyone because it's very...weird."

Phil shakes his head at him. "Don't we all got something weird about us?"

Connor nods. "Well, yeah, but this is...diffrent. And I thought I'd come to you because you are the sweetest person I know."

Phil smiles. "Alright. What is it?"

Connor hesitates, but says it out right. "I have a crush on an 11 year old boy, and I can't stop thinking about him. Like, I know that I'm 13 almost 14, and it's weird, but I keep thinking that it's not really that weird because we're only kids, and in the future it will be even less weird, but it still seems weird. You know?"

Oh god yes. I relate, so much, Phil thinks.

"Oh," Phil says. "Who?"

"His name is Troye. I've known him my whole life because he lives right next to me, but he was always so shy. Yesterday he came up to me, and we watched they sky together for hours. He sang for me under the stars, and I swear it was magical." Connor says dreamily.

Phil nods. He knows the feeling. "I don't think that it's weird. Sometimes you just know that you belong with someone. It doesn't matter their race, gender, and in some cases, and only some cases, age. You shouldn't prevent yourself from happiness because of something so insignificant. When it comes to love you should be willing to have an open mind."

Connor smiles. "Thanks, Phil. You give good advice."

Phil nods again, and takes a bite of his pizza. He wishes he could take the advice for himself, but his own brain keeps it from impacting him. He still feels disgusting liking Dan.

"I think I know Troye. He hangs out with Dan, right?" Phil asks.

"Yeah." Connor answers. Than an idea struck him. "What if we all all hung out together? You could meet Troye, and it would be like a double date almost except me and Troye aren't dating because he's a kid...but whatever." Connor says.

"Me and Dan aren't dating either. That would be weird." Phil says.

Connor shrugs. "If it isn't weird for me to like Troye than it isn't weird for you to like Dan. I've seen the way you look at him."

Phil only shakes his head. "No. We can all hang out, but I don't want you shipping me with Dan, please."

"Ok, then. I just won't ship it outloud." Connor says with a smirk.

And they made it a plan before their other friends made it to the table.

"We are sorry we are late, but we got held up." Chris says.

"Held up? You guys are legit 20 minutes late." Connor says. "We have 10 minutes left of lunch. What could you two have possibly been doing?"

Chris and Pj smile. "We may or may not have spray painted a rainbow, and the words 'GAY PRIDE' across the side of the football lockers." Pj says with a smirk.

Phil and Connor look at him with wide eyes. "No way!" They say at the same time.

"Yes way, my bitches." Chris says. "The football players were being homophobic pricks to some girl yesterday so we decided to get revenge."

Phil has his mouth wide open. "Who was the girl?" He asks.

Pj smiled. "You'll be meeting her tomorrow. Her name is Paige, and she's cool as shit. She'll be the first girl member of the group." He says proudly.

"Wait a minute. You two didn't get caught did you?" Connor asks.

Chris laughs. "Oh, honey a bad bitch never gets caught." He says.

"You guys got caught, didn't you?" Phil smirks.

"Detention for the rest of the week." Pj says. "Thank God the principles gay, or else it'd be worse."

Phil and Connor laughed at them.

"Hey, at least it was worth it." Chris says.

"Yeah, but where is Tyler?" Connor asks.

"He's sick as frick." Chris answers. "He'll probably be dead for like a whole week."

"Oh." Connor says.

And they talk for 5 more minutes before the lunch bell rings.

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