14│Grant My Wish│

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Morgen seems to have a nice dream when Declan saw him that night after Lessie left. He felt kind of guilty for this kid. He was not even amused at all by his existence.

             He grabbed the chair near him—dragging it to his bed's side as he sat his bottom and started to wander through him.

            Declan's breath was loud—but, it seems usual for Morgen to not awake at a heavy breathing noise—since, he went through a lot to get his mind to rest.

            He looked at his eyes—went to gaze his eyelashes since it was the only thing he can see in his eyes.

            "Morgen?" he softly muttered—checking if he's awake. As he expected—no respond from him.

            "Why... just... why?" he softly questioned to himself—even though it would never lead him to any answer. "Why, Derek?"

            "Why did you take this kid?" his eyes can't stop looking at Morgen's weak body. He was fragile—like what he always thought—but, it was kind of tragic for this kid to went through all of this.

            Declan was an arrogant man—but, at least he still had one heart to fill with his empathic towards Morgen—although it was a pity side not love.

            As he looked into Morgen—he saw Derek's reflection—leaving him in silent as he dazed the moment soundless.

            He remembered their childhood together. It was a beautiful one—he can't deny the fact that it was remarkable and one of the things he just want to repeat again.

            But, life didn't go that well. Sacrifices were needed to reach happiness. At least, some money you gave when you just want to feel like flying—went fast in the ride as you scream your heart out without anyone being arsed.

            A bucket of sweat when you're reaching to the top even though it might leave a scar—but in the end you'll treasure that scar as your reward of achievement.

            So, what Declan sacrifice? And what does he get from it? Was it career? Yes, definitely. But, what does he get apart of it? Was it Morgen?

            Declan cried his heart out whenever he thought his dark and deep past—which is every day.

            Declan always thought his sacrifices towards Derek. One thing Declan never thought about was what Derek sacrificed for him.

            Something that might be even bigger from what he thought. After all, we are only human.

            What's important is our ego—when the truth was the opposite.


            "Sst! We don't want to wake him up!" Declan's head felt hazy. But, that sweet voice he heard was the first thing that woke him from his sleep.

            As he moved his eyes slowly—he found Morgen's eyes keen on him with his sweet smile—looking adorable as the light shot his skin as if it sparkles on it.

            "He's awake!" he muttered in joy—turning his head on his right—seems like he was talking to someone on the right side.

            He didn't notice that last night as he wandered through him—he fell asleep on his bed. No wonder his back felt kind of heavy and off.

            As his back was strapped—he found Lessie and Rupert was standing on his right side. Both of their face expressed their joy and in fact—Rupert looked proud at Declan when he gave him his thumbs up—which is something Declan kind of wondered how is that a proud thing.

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