5│Tomorrow, I'll Let You Down│

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Yeay! Another update! I'm so excited for this chapter! This is the first time that Morgen finally met Declan! So far, this is my favorite since Morgen's reaction to Declan was my favorite! Anyway, enjoy!

-Love, C.S

The room was light-filled with toys and the wallpaper that shine bright as the yellow might blind Declan's eyes-he's just not a man that fancy a bright color.

He looked at that little boy. A boy-who Derek and Emily had spent this few years just, to love and protect him. He got a lot of faith despite the kid's condition-that's what Declan thought.

"Hello," Declan greeted him awkwardly with his hand swung in the air-in result, made him looked like a robot.

Morgen was laying on his bed. His back was the only thing that Declan saw and it seems that he didn't have that intention to turn his back and look at him. Even just for a half second.

"Morgen?" as Declan called his name-his eyes glowered, his skin looked pale but somehow brighter-he strapped his back, turning his body to the front. He looked excited at first-he was smiling, but-as he saw who was standing there-his deep blue eyes darkened. He looked disappointed by the way his expression changed.

Declan wasn't paying attention that much. He just thought-this kid might expecting someone. But, he never really thought who Morgen was expecting.

"Who are you?" his sweet voice broke the cynical tone he made to him. Declan was not even offended by how this kid was being rude.

"Umm..." Declan was humming for a while. He didn't know what to say-but, his body decided the worst words to explain by saying, "I'm your new father!"

Want to know how it turned out? Big massive disaster. Morgen was screaming really loud-might cause Declan's ear bleeding. After a ten second loud scream-he started to throw his pillow harshly.

His reaction was quite a cock up decision. Instead of getting hit-he got rid of the pillow by smashing the pillow with his strong muscle and as it swung back to Morgen's face-he knew that this could get any worse.

He scream for the second time-causing him to cry in a river-making Declan hissed as he moved his feet quickly to Morgen.

As Declan was getting closer-Morgen was trying to get rid of him by throwing the pillow and even his favorite toys to him.

"I DON'T WANT YOU! GO AWAY" He looked as depressed as Declan now. How can this kid get along with Declan if he can't even get closer to him? Only a few words and Morgen hate him already.

"No, no, listen-" Declan was trying to give a talk. But, his forehead just got hit by a car's toy-causing him stepping a few step back-went wonky for a moment and fell right on the floor.

"MORGEN!" Emily's mother was heard from the back-she looked at Declan that was laying on the floor who was screaming in pain that somehow made Morgen's tears went wilder.

"Oh, no, no! It's okay, sweetheart!" She went straight to Morgen-hugging him as Morgen drowned on her chest.

In a second-three nurses came and helped Declan to get up from the floor. Declan slowly glanced at Morgen-with a tears hanging-wetting his grandmother's sweater-he could see how he was hiding his face to looked straight to his eyes.

"It's okay, Morgen. Everything is going to be fine. You're alright, you're alright." She was comforting him with her wrinkled hands that stroked his head softly as he got calmer every touch she made.

It was obvious that she despise him. She was not looking him in any second. She was acting like he was not even there.

She breathed heavily-slowly she opened her mouth saying, "Declan. Can I talk to you?" she muttered-without looking into his face. She faced the wall instead as she busied her hands to calm Morgen down.


Her eyes spoke. She might want to just choke him to death. But, she remained calm. Silent crawled on the table-causing an awkward moment for both of them.

"I don't want you to take care of him," she gyrated. Declan's eyes were clearly telling her that he was shocked about what she said. He knows she despise him. But, he just didn't know that she was this honest.

"But, you know. Law is the law, right?"

Clearly, Declan had no clue what to say to her. "I'm not going to ask you, what is your real problem with Derek," she said. "I want you to take care of him. Every night, Emily wasted her tears and energy for this boy."

She was laughing in bitter-her tears went down in a way. "Emily knows that he was not her real son. But, she just... she just sacrifice everything for Morgen."

"I don't want her tears and energy went into a rubbish when you hold on to Morgen," she sobbed. "I promise you, after six month-he was no longer your duty. But, in that mean time-I want you to take a good care of him."

She grabbed her Chanel bag-showing that she was one rich woman and in a second-a folder that filled with papers. He was having a heart attack for a second-seeing how much paper he saw. He just had a temporary trauma with paper regarding last time Cole Smith showing him some forms and other stuff yesterday.

"Mr. Smith just sent me this paper-he was not able to be here due to his work. He planned to talk with us tomorrow-but, I want us to make another agreement that Mr. Smith doesn't have to know. Just a secret we both keep." She started to hand the paper. Declan was forced to read it-with a lazy mind he took the paper and read all the agreements and some laws he might forget after this.

"Mr. Smith decided after six month-If you decide to leave him-He might went to the foundation program hospital instead. He just never give me a chance to keep him despite my husband's condition, so please... when you're done with him-just send him to me and you will never see him ever again. You don't need to worry about him afterward, he'll be safe with me. I called my lawyer for this form and I'd like you to sign it if you agree with me."

He looked down to the paper-He just never really had an opinion with this situation. He just didn't know what to feel about all of this. And oddly, he never really care for Derek. He just despises his existence before, and when he's gone-he just wished that he might crawl from the death and fix all of this.

"You don't have to pay for any treatment he has now. I'm the one who'll take care of it."

Derek, you know I'll always let you down. Just like how you let me down-pushing me into a distress. We let each other down in the end, is it?


What do you guys think? Is he going to let himself sign the paper and plan to throw Morgen away for good after six month? What do you guys think Declan will do?? Let me know what you think! So far, this chapter was the one who decided what's coming next! I hope you guys find this enjoyable! Don't forget to vote if you like this chapter! I'll see you guys in another chapter soon!

-Love, C.S


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