Stupid Drunk Austin. {Day 2}

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ⓒAnoushka Ajoy.

Chapter 11: Stupid Drunk Austin

"What?" I asked in shock.

"I know, I don't know you that long but you've changed me. I was heartbroken over a girl for so long until you came. You're special even though you don't know it. I like you Emma. I really do."

After Drew's speech. I almost had tears in my eyes.

Nothing was coming out of my mouth so I just nodded.

He pulled me in for a hug and put me down.

Our foreheads were together as I looked into his eyes feeling happy and content.

In just a blink, our lips found each other.

His soft succulent lips moulded with mine as he handled me like expensive china.

Slowly he kissed my nose, my eyes and my cheeks making me blush.

He chuckled and took my cold hands into his as we walked towards his car.

It was going to be 11pm but he wanted to impress my uncle so we headed home.

He dropped me off at my porch with a quick kiss and waited for me until I got in.

Entering the living room, I saw Derek and Mel sitting on the couch. Derek was watching the match with Austin while Mel was reading a book.

I entered the room with a happy sigh and sat down.

"So I'm guessing your date went well?" asked Mel.

"Date?" questioned Austin with his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

I nodded dreamily and headed towards my room.

I had a quick shower and changed into a tank top with one of my favorite pajamas. tying my hair into a messy bun I headed downstairs.

"Now tell me all the details." said Mel with excitement in her eyes.

"I guess that's my cue to leave." said uncle and kissed me on the forehead and bid us goodnight.

"So, Why aren't you leaving yet Austin?" Asked Mel curiously.

"I'm watching the match." he said.

"You have a tv in your room." I said stating the obvious.

"Well I wanna watch here." said his genius reply.

"Right. moving on."

I told her everything from the start to the garden.

She screamed and hugged me tightly. After a few minutes she bid us goodnight and I was left with Austin watching the football match.

From: Mimi

How was you're date? did you get any action? ;)


Ew... you pervert, but guess what?

From: Mimi


To: Mimi

He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said YES!!


Omg what!!!!?? Anyway tell me everything tomorrow.

night (:

To: Mimi

Night (:

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