Learn your ABCs

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Chapter 6: Learn your ABCs


New day.

New start and hopefully no Austin. It was Tuesday and I had art.

Yes. I still took art, but it was only because I liked Mrs.Sappleton, it was an optional class. Whoever was  failing and needed a grade would join Art. It was an extra curricular.

Mostly students like me who enjoyed the class or kids who were failing would opt for Art to try to pass.

Remind me to tell Austin about this class, I think he needed it.

My plan was to forget Austin's name. This plan was stupid. A plan only a three year old would come up with but time was running short and I was desperate.

I remember his names, I mean who can forget Satan's child's name but you know like just give him, Taste of his own medicine.

I got out of my bed and did my daily routine . I changed into a white v-neck with my jacket and lose grey track pants.

I was a dancer but a closed off one by closed off I mean, I can't dance in front of anyone or I'll puke.

It was my personal getaway and I didn't want anyone to know about it. Of course Naomi and uncle knew but only those two.

Dance was my thing. My parents wanted me to learn dance so I would get out of my shell. I got out but only during dancing.

I took my Sling and headed downstairs. I was excited since I had an hour and study hall and I could dance during my spare time. I could always dance at home. I used too but ever since Austin arrived I was too shy to dance here.

I put Gatorade and an apple with a Granola bar into my bag and bid everyone goodbye except Austin of course.

I went to my car and rode off to school excited about the day ahead. I reached school and met up with Naomi talking about Tiffany's rude behaviour.

I decided to tell her about my plan during lunch. Hallways wasn't a good place for secrets.I went to the chemistry lab and saw the chart of where to sit. My partner was Austin. Oh what a wonderful life. Not.

I slumped down my table grumpily and noticed Austin walk in with a bunch of girls swooning and sighing by the sight of him. Sure he was hot.

Like a model. A&F and Calvin Klein worthy but he wasn't my type. He waved and winked at them even whispered some things in their ears, But where was I paying attention to them .

He saw his seating chart and smirked. Oh hell no. He came up and sat next to me. Invading my personal space. "Hey Emma."

"Adrain" I said nodding towards him. He was taken aback but he raised his eyebrow and smirked and went with the flow.

Mr. Darby came in "Settle down children we have class. I need you to make some chemicals. They aren't balanced so once balancing them make them. Do not break the test tubes, Girls & boys. Take help from your partner if you don't know."

I started balancing immediately.

When Austin came really close to me. "Not many forget my name. Especially the ones living with me."

I shrugged and responded lamely," I don't remember unimportant people."

He chuckled. I took my time checking if they were right. Wouldn't want an explosion now would we. Austin finished quickly and put on his lab coat and the glasses. He finished so fast! I checked and they were all right. I gasped. He noticed how I was seeing

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