Bumby Road

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Chapter 1: Bumby Road


I was dreaming about myself sitting on a couch near a fireplace with a good book and coffee. I was in heaven, my kind of heaven the smell of books and the aroma of coffee brought me tingles and comfort.

when suddenly a stick was poking me. A stupid stick while I was reading. It was flying and it had a mouth. "Wake up Emma, Wake up.", and suddenly my eyes flew open.

It was my annoying seven-year-old brother waking me up. He was such an angel before. What happened to him?

"The first day of school Emma, Uncle made me wake you up." I just grunted in response and walked to my bathroom. I walked like an ogre.

I looked at myself and I looked smoking hot(Note the sarcasm!)

My hair was like a bird's nest and my eyes looked like a raccoon. That's what you get for not washing your makeup off ladies.

I took a warm shower which instead of making me feel fresh made me want to rush to bed again.

I brushed my brunette hair until it was waved to absolute perfection. At least one good thing about myself.

I got my sweatshirt which had a cute picture of a pug on it and some tight jeans with converse a classic Emma and me wore my glasses.

I could survive without my glasses and I didn't really need them but I wanted to. My goal is to have a 20/20 vision.

Look at my life goals. I'm going to go to places in life. Watch out, Obama.

I ran downstairs, put on my converse and decided to tie my laces downstairs, Smart and Lazy Emma, Ladies, and Gentlemen!

I forgot my shoelaces were untied and fell tumbling down face first and but in the air and my annoying brother Zach sat on top of me and shouted at the top of his voice

"Giddy up horsey!"

Strike 1 for Emma.

I groaned and pushed him down and went to the kitchen rubbing my cheek.

Over there my sweet uncle sat on the bar stool while Maria our delightful nanny was cooking.

I sat down next to him and he said "Forgetting something?" with a playful smile.

I muttered some not so shiny words and decided to kiss uncle from the stool since I was too lazy to get up.

Trying to reach my uncle's cheeks I fell down. Face first again. Great.

Strike 2.

I lay down for a few minutes and uncle picked me up. He was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down.

"Be careful clumsy. It's a new term. Try to start it without faults." Grumping.

Highly Unlikely.

I quickly ate three slices of bread, bacon egg with jam. Shoving the food in my mouth.

Quickly after breakfast,  I went towards the huge garage not wanting to be late or embarrassed.

Suddenly a black sleek Escalade came to my side while I was walking, it was Uncle he said "Come in Emma. I'll drop you today. My meeting is on the way." Nodding in I went inside and place my head on the cool window.

My uncle looked at me and said, "So Emma we are going to be having a guest in the house for some time."

I looked at him and said, "who?
Great now another person will witness my clumsy mornings.

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