Not so great Second Impression

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Chapter 2: Not so great Second Impression

As I looked up I saw the same blue eyes and floppy hair and the same smirk on his face. I checked his shirt for stains and saw that he changed into something else. 

Uncle finally said, "Emma this is Austin, Austin this is Emma." I smiled politely and he smirked.

What a platypus. 

My uncle continued to talk not sensing the tension in the room between Austin and I. 

"He will be staying here for a couple of months and will be going to the same school." I nodded and mumble bad things about this sad excuse of a human being and went towards my room. My uncle said something but I wasn't paying a tension. Oh well.

Whilst walking up the stairs I felt a hot breath fan over me and heard him mumble "Is this the way you show your guest his room or are we crashing in the same room together."

My cheeks were burning with embarrassment and he just chuckled in response to my uncomfortableness and I led the way to his room.  The room was painted a dark blue and the decor was similar to my room except for a Gaming area. My uncle went all out for this stranger 

"You can go now, sweetheart." I disliked Austin already with a burning passion. 

I decided to let him go for now and walked back to my room,  I sat down and decided to watch some T.V when the intercom rang and Uncle called us for dinner. I strutted down to the kitchen and sat down at the six-seater. The dining area was only used when guests came and were fit for twenty-one people.

Zach sat across me and Jerk Face sat next to me. We dug into Maria's famous cooking when suddenly everyone around the table burst out laughing and I looked at them with confusion all over my face.

"You have spaghetti on yourself." I saw was spaghetti on my hair and I felt one on my mouth.

Here comes back the heat, I tried to cover it up with my napkin but Austin saw it perfectly. Ass.

I excused myself after dinner and went to my bathroom and cleaned myself up. Instead of going back down for dessert, I decided to pass out. 


I saw Emma going to her room. God, I loved annoying her. She was pretty but she didn't like me. I could sense that. I should change her opinion about me. 

Derrick made a sound which snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at him and he said, "You know why your parents sent you here Austin. This is the last straw. Think about them how they feel." I simply nodded, just keeping up with the act. I don't need a random stranger telling me how to behave. 

After dinner, I passed Emma's room and saw her sleeping.  

 At Least my stay here is gonna be fun.

****Next morning*****


I woke up early in the morning and decided to wear my baby blue tank top with jeans and a black cardigan and left three buttons opened. It was quite warm but I still decided to wear the cotton cardigan. and slipped into some comfy converse and tied my laces before like a good girl.

As I walked down, I saw Austin texting and eating his breakfast. I still couldn't believe a jerk like him was living in my house.

He kept it plain and simple with a white v-neck and dark wash jeans and his messy hair. He looked Hot with a capital 'H'.

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