twenty six - LAST CHAPTER

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harry's p.o.v

'Charlie baby put that down please put that down,' i whimpered but my little baby was glaring at me

'He's inches away,' Louis whimpered

'Oh...Oh no,' I said 

The knife was about to be stabbed into my stomach. 

I dropped charlie to the concrete ground and charlie burst out into tears, he was back lucas let go before he could feel the pain. 

'There is blood ozzing out of his small head!' Louis gasped

' so sorry... i had to,' I stammered

'I know Harry,' Louis said cradelling Charlie. 

'I am scared Louis,' 

Louis didn't answer and we returned back to the cottage.

The cottage was dark and had an eery silence. the only noise was the tip tapping of the gutter...

'We need to get his head cleaned up,' Louis said frantically

I nodded.

'He's gone silent, this is a bad thing the fall has affecetd his brain!' i gasped

'Take him to the bathroom!' Louis gasped

'I just love charlie so much i am willing to do anything for him!' I said

'I know the parental love is unconditional,' Louis said

'His eyes are dropping call the ambulance! NOW!' i shouted 

i ran to the bathroom and lay charlie on the changing table my darling baby that i was willing to die for. 

'Everything is going to be alright Charlie,' i breathed and i saw Charlie's  beautiful eyes he looked so loving. 

I ran out of the bathroom to get some first aid things.

'The ambulance is coming,' Louis breathed 

i grabbed the first aid things and ran back to the bathroom with Louis.


'what?' louis breathed


'FUCK!' louis breathed

we tugged desperatly on the door and we started banging on it, Lucas was back. 

the door was locked stiff, i shivered as i heard charlie/lucas' laughter echo through the corridor and then there was a loud bang which made me jump out of my skin. 

I began to cry.

'Dada dada dada,' i heard a small voice say whic hwas lucas inside of charlie. 

'Charlie!' i shouted

Underneath the door's gap a piece of writing was written on toilet paper i picked it up and me and Louis read it.

i will leave Charlie's mind if Harry you shoot Louis dead. If you do not agree I will make Charlie deaf and blind for the rest of his life. 

'Shoot me fucking shoot me!' Louis called

'But Louis...'

'SHOOT ME!' Louis ordered tears streaming down his face.

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