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harry's p.o.v

another day my family starve for food i am forced to venture out to ask Mrs Maudie if she would spare some of her bread normally she says yes because she feel ssorry for us. i try and make money for my family but noone ever hires me because i am a bit too innocent and dopy and as the villagers describe me as 'Cute' they don't want a cute person because a cute person is stereotyped to be weak. I have had a crush on this boy named Zayn for ever and i think he likes me too. He has a job which causes him to travel around to different provinces all the time so i hardly see him but i think when he gets back he's going to ask me out and then maybe we will get married. 

I am almosst 18 and in the land that's the age to marry my parents want me to marry so i'd be looked after by my husband  or wife and that would be one less mouth for them to feed. I have never kissed a boy or even a person to be exact this therefore means i am definatly a virgin, I want my first kiss to be with someone i love so hopefully Zayn. 

i manage to get some bread off Mrs Maudie i give it to my older sister Gemma who devours it in one bite she's so hungry i feel sorry for her. 

'Post!' My dad says 

he opens the letters 'The future king apparantly imprisoned 5 of his workers for these stupid reasons,' 

'imprisoned?' i gasped

'yes harry,' my sister sighed

'like being in jail,'' I said

'yes harry how thick are you?' my sister moaned

'he's evil honestly for a 21 year old,' Gemma said

'dont talk about your future  king like that he has done alot for the poor,' My mum said

''He does alot for us but expects so much in return we are basiclally forced to give up our newborn babies if he asked for them,' Gemma said

'Thats it Gemma upstairs!' my mum said


'no buts i dont want anyone bad-mouthing any of the royals or anyone to be exact upstairs Gemma without playing the eukele,' My mum said

the euklele was our only entertainment, our house was a typical villagers house it was small and dirty and the roof nearly always leaked. But as my mum always says we should be grateful. 

'Harry you better sleep also,' My dad said

'Ok,' i smiled

my mum smiled whenever i smiled she claimed i had the cutest smile in the whole of the village. 

i went upstairs and went into mine and gemma's room. Gemma was crying. 

'whats wrong gemma?' i asked laying next to her

''the future king is so mean you know Bernard our old neighbour he went to work there he was so happy he got a job then he got fired for a stupid reason and Louis shouted at him so loud everybody heard and embarrased him now Bernard can get no job whatsoever because everyone respects the king so much,' Gemma siad

i fiddled my thumbs ''mum and dad respect the royals so i do also,' i said

'i dont know why everyone does,' gemma said

'and from what you have told me i'd be too scared not to respect them,' i said

'so do you think you and zayn will ever get together?' gemma asked

The king's groom (larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now