twenty three

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harry's p.o.v

'we will do whatever you want just please let us know how to get rid of lucas,' i begged

Niall winked at me which sent shivers down my spine. 

'Maybe i should be treated the way i deserve to be treated from now on,' Niall said and he left leaing us thinking.

'What does he want!' i growled in fustration. 

'I am really scared i keep getting headaches and i keep having to resist going for a nap but it pains me it feels like daggers being stabbed into your head continuously,' 

i winced at the thought. 

'Just please fight back,' 

'i am trying harry!' 

'Where are you going?' i asked louis who looked stressed as anything and was in his wheelchair and rolling away.

'To see what Niall wants..' Louis said

'do you think he is bluffing? about knowing how to get rid of lucas?' i asked

'Nah he knows he has known all this time and he has waited for his opportunity to use his knowledge to his advantage now he has,' louis said 

i have never seen Louis so frightened he looked vulnerable for the first time and he was scared of himself. Lucas was smart he had hidden himself from the doctors in the mental hospital, because Louis was unaware of Lucas it made him stronger if Louis knew to resist Lucas in the beginning Lucas would have been washed away now but Now Lucas know Louis' weaknesses and thoughts. 

Louis wheeled around to look at me.

'Harry tommorow is the day we get our baby and we are in no way orgainised so can you get all the baby stuff ready we pick up the baby tommorow morning so get some sleep also,' Louis said 

'okay boobear,' i said kissing his temple. 

'I am going to see what Niall wants,' louis said wheeling away

i got the baby things ready and i was excited we didn't know the gender but i hoped it was a girl, i wanted a little girl i could spoilt but equally a boy would be great also. 

I was afraid for the baby's sake because of lucas but i couldn't deprive louis of his baby so I was torn. 

That night i fell alseep soundly though Louis slept downstairs in the hospital ward it was the middle of the night when the lights started flickering on and off.

I awoke and there was a squeak on the door it kept opening and closing....

my heart was thumping as hard as a drum i was so scared...Had Louis given up? had he let Lucas in? had he resulted to a special nap?

i got up nervously, the lights were still flickering on and off i gulped nervously and walked over and trembled.

'Louis is that you?' i quivered

i walked through the corridor and i saw the doors all opening i was trembling like anything it looked like a scene from a horror movie. I was holding a lamp so i could see the way i was going. I flinched everytime i heard a noise and i stupidly followed the destruction untill i reached the bathroom and i almsot had a heartattack. 


I fainted...

The king's groom (larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now