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harry's p.o.v

The next day was odd because noone was talking to me except Louis whenever i approached someone with a friendly smile they ran away as if i had some sort of disease. 

'Have i done something wrong?' i asked to Louis as i saw people running away from me. 

Louis just smirked at me 'Nothing wrong at all you're perfect,' he took my hand and kissed it. 

To be quite frank i was absolutley utterly completly bored in this palace there was nothing to do my 'lessons' whatever they were weren't scheduled to start in a long time.Louis wouldn't let me let go of his hand so i was dragged along to all his meetings and organisations which were boring as hell i had no active part in his work things i was just an accesory to him.

i had been 4 days in the palace and i hadn't adjusted as well as i thought i would be, i don't know if i am falling for Louis but i know sure as hell he is falling for me. He kissed me everynight and we did things together and thankfully he did most of the talking. I liked it when we watched movies together because he would cuddle me in and it felt safe. 

Everynight before i fell asleep he would get ontop of me and whisper in my ear.

'Whose are you?' 

and every night i would respond

'I am yours,' 

We acted as if we were in love but if we really are i have no idea? 

 Yesterday was boring, Louis had to go somewhere far away and was away for the whole day he couldn't take me with him so he locked me in our room and gave me puzzles to do and drawings to do all day. 

I had to do them aswell because he wanted to check them once he got back but when he got back i had fallen asleep on the floor, i felt someone pick me up and put me on the bed.

It might have been a dream but this person that picked me up whispered in my ear.

'You don't deserve him because I love you,' 

i remember whispering back while my eyelids were still firmly closed

'Who are you?' 

'Lucas,' The man said

I remember while the man whoever he was picked me up and put me on the bed the church bell rung to signal midnight. 

Louis told me he got back at 1am and checked my puzzles and drawings then cuddled with me to fall asleep.

I was confused about it the next morning but my dreams have had a history of being vivid. 

'What are we doing today?' i asked Louis as we walked downstairs in the morning hand in hand. 

'I want to take you to the village to meet our subjects and maybe do some shopping,' Louis said

''Who is Lucas?' i asked

Louis furrowed his eyebrows 'I know of no Lucas why?'

'Oh because someone picked me up and put me in the bed yesterday and claimed his name was Lucas,' I said

'Harry i came back at 1am noone else had been in your room for the whole of that dayi locked you inside and there is no Lucas in the palace nor the village when i came back you were asleep in the bed noone had taken you there,' Louis said

'I am sure i felt myself being lifted,' Harry said

'It was probably just a dream i probably said to you hey it's me louis back and you misheard it as Lucas or something,' Louis sighed

'Probably,' i sighed

but i was pretty sure i heard the church bell go off i wouldn't' dream something as absurd as that!

Louis held my hand 'You know i love you right?' he smiled

i smiled back at him he kissed my lips. 

''Oh look who it is the two lovebirds,' Louis mum chirped as she saw us. i smiled at her she was the only person that had talked to me other than Louis for the past few days.

Louis saw me smile at his mum and held his grip tighter i winced in pain at his tightening grip. 

'Hi mum,' he sighed

'Your official wedding has been organised,' His mum said beaming 

wait what? this was happening all too fast. 

'When?' Louis asked

'A couple days,' 

i gulped. 'Oh don't be so nervous Harry you and Louis make the perfect couple,'  Louis' mum said while touching my hand

'Let go of his hand,' Louis said angrily and fearfully. His mum looked a bit scared and then ran off. Then Louis smiled at me as if nothing happened. I am pretty sure i saw a transformation in Louis when someone else touched my hand. 

i saw Lottie scurrying downstairs.

'Hey lottie,' i smiled she looked back at me and then at louis then carried on walking as if i hadn't said anything.

'Lottie,' i called out i let go of Louis hand and i ran after Lottie, Louis ran after me. 

'Who is Lucas?' i asked

'What? you know a lucas,' she said her voice trembeling

'Who is he?' i asked

she thought about it for a second

'erm harry well erm i dont know,' she said

she was lying i could see it in her eyes, she knew exactly who i was talking about. She was the only one who knew. 

'Please tell me Lottie,' i begged 

she looked at me with fear as she saw Louis coming behind me.

'Harry do not ever let go of my hand,' He said his voice so angry. 

'Sorry please don't hurt me,' i said 

he cupped my chin 'i would never,'' 

The king's groom (larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now