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7Harry's p.o.v (again its easier in his p.o.v)

Louis smacked me across the head i felt dizzy and sick, the enormity of the blow causd me to fall onto the floor as soon as i fell onto the floor he began kicking my gut i squirmed in pain. 

'Please stop,' i breathed

'Oh please Harry i am just getting started,' Louis breathed evily. 

I could see what Lottie meant his eyes were pure with anger i wasn't going to be let off easily. 

'Now Harry i am going to tell you to do something and you are going to do it okay?' he said evily

i nodded. 

'Get up and walk over to the head board,' 

i started walking

'Good boy such a good boy,' he said in a way that made my spine shiver

'now bend over,' 

'good boy,' 

i regretfully bent over and he smiled and whiped off his belt and pulled my trousers down and first i thought he was goign to rape me but he took off his belt and whipped me with it which was much better i suppose despite the unbearable pain. 

My bum was going all sorts of colours. The pain got so much i could feel the buckle of the belt scraping me across the bum i winced in pain. He did about 30 strikes

'Please Sir Please i have had enough,' i breathed

'No you need to learn your lesson,'' Louis barked

after the whippings he grabbed my bum which hurt like a motherfucker because of the whippings. He tied my arms to the headboard of his bed. He pinched my nipples which made me cry out with pain. he then smacked me across the face 4 times. 

'You need to know you are mine Harry,' He said softly in a more nicer tone i thought my punishment would be over. 

'I am going to go real nice on you because i don't want to mess that pretty face of yours nor do i want to get rid of your cute innocence,' Louis breathed he was rubbing circles on my chest. 

'Err thankyou sir,' i said

'You should be thankful if you weren't so pretty i would have almost killed you for cheating on me,' 

'i didnt want to kiss niall Louis he kissed me,' I said softly


'dont lie to me harry i hate liars,' he said 

he began to massage my legs which i thought was a bit odd because literally 2.5 seconds ago he was brutally hurting me. 

''does that feel good Harry?' he asked 

'yes sir,' i said 

he began to massage harder to a point where it started to hurt his hand wandered closer and closer to my manhood. He began to stroke it and pull it making me moan he then held it in a tight grasp i couldn't even swat his hand away because my hands were tied.

'Please let go,' i winced him holding onto my manhood hurt so much

he began to pump it harder and harder. 

'Have you learnt your lesson Harry?' he asked

i honestly thought the punishment would be worse so i was over the moon. 

'Yes sir,' 

'what have you leanrt?'

'that i am yours,' i said

'good boy,' he said stroking my hair he kissed me violently and got ontop of me. 

he carried on kissing me which in all and all i didn't mind that much. 

Then he started kissing my neck and then biting?! i moaned and groaned his love bites hurt. 

'Now everyone will know you are mine,' he growled while biting harder

'Who's the only person you are allowed to love?!' Louis growled

'You are sir,' i said

'who's the only person you are allowed to be attractd to,' he said as he bit my neck harder

i could hardly talk but a whisper escaped 'You,' 

'such a good boy,' he said stroking my cheek

'you are mine all mine,' he said and kissed me one more time. 

he then untied me and lay down with me.

'Lets forget the party i would much rather spend time with you,' he said purring in my ear

he hugged me tightly and i hugged back despite him hurting me he did have a soft side a side which i much preferred. 

'Did you enjoy the kiss?' He asked while i was inches away from drifting into sleep. 

'Err yes?' i said

'YOU ENJOYED NIALL'S KISS!' He said drawing his fist

'No no i thought you meant your kiss,' i said nervously

'Did you enjoy NIall's kiss?' he raised an eyebrow

'No no,' i said

'are you lying?'

'no i didn't enjoy it, it was violent,' i said

'good,' Louis smiled with relief

'so you didn't enjoy it?' Louis said once again

'No no,' i said again sleepily 

'well thats good now go to sleep little one,' he said

Louis p.o.v

I didn't hurt harry as much as i would because i felt sorry for him and he was so nice to me, i get possesive over him so much i have had a past for it i have to let my lovers know that they are only mine. 

Harry fell asleep and i watched him sleep then i left the room after it got a bit boring, Lottie was running up the stairs.

'Did you hurt him?' she gasped

'No he's fine,' i said


'good?' i questioned i started to feel a bit jealous why was she so concerned about MY HARRY.

'i mean its good you didn't hurt him,' she said

'why do you care about him so much?' i breathed and started hyperventilating. 

'i dont louis please calm down,' she said holding my shoulder i shrugged her off. 

'Dont speak to him ever,' i growled

'what?' she questioned

'You heard me don't speak to him ever no one is allowed to speak to him ever except me hes mine,' I said

'you can't do that to him,' Lottie said

'Don't speak to him don't look at him don't even think about him,' i roared

'stop being so possesive,' Lottie said

'Shut up Lottie!' i growled

i felt my body changing.

'oh woah please just calm down,' Lottie said she could see what was happening to me.

'he's yours he's yours i wont speak to him and i wont let anyone speak to him okay,' she said trying to calm me down, she was worried about my anger it scared her. 

'Good, i said my smile curling.

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