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harry's p.o.v

me and louis socialised with everyone after the wedding, the ring still firmly on my finger the symbol of lucas encrested into it. We had a delightfull wedding lunch where we had posh little foods and celebrated our marriage, everyone was asking about the baby this was another thing i was very excited about.

As me and Louis ate in our special private area while our guests ate amongst themselves we chatted we were both very excited about our marriage i guess we just couldn't believe we would be together forever, though throughout eating our macaroons for desert i decided to ask Louis about the symbol. 

'Louis how did you come up with this symbol?' i asked inspecting the ring closely. 

he shrugged 'its been a symbol i have always drawn even as a little kid whenever i felt scared or angry or happy or any emotion really i just drew it it made me feel better i dont even know why,' 

i furrowed my eyebrows. 

'its pretty,' i said

'i am glad you like it,' he said kissing my lips, it was beautiful everytime i kissed him it felt like the first time.

''I love your tuxedo,' i said

'Yes as you may know it is one of a kind,' Louis said

'I do know its very nice, so noone else in the world can possibly in the world have this tuxedo?' i asked

'Nope,' Louis said poppping the p. 

after we ate and chatted it was time for everyone to congratulate us, most of the people that congratualted me i didn't know though Louis did. That is why i was relieved when i saw Lottie coming to congratulate us while she was hand in hand with the duke whom she was moving away with tonight. I wouldn't tell Louis because he would get paranoid but i would actually miss lottie. Lottie wasn't wearing something as extravagent as i thought she would it was a plain cream dress. 

'So you leaving tonight?' i asked her

'yes,' she said nervously 'its getting worse here,' 

'what do you mean?' Louis asked confused

'i mean that everythign is creepy here,' 

'oh for gods sake lottie there is nothing wrong with the palace!' Louis groaned. 

'You have no idea Louis, but enjoy the rest of your special day...while it lasts,' she trailed off. her tone and her voice cracking gave me the creeps.

'Come on we need to get ready for the reception,' Louis said.

as i brushed past Lottie, she placed a key in my hand and she whispered so softly that i could barely hear her though i could she said 'Before the reception sneak into Louis' office and find the draw that is opened by this key,' 

'why?' i whispered back

but she didn't hear me, she had gone and left....

'Come on husband lets go get ready for the reception,' Louis winked he came out of nowhere, i nodded excited to dance. 

As i got to the changing room the tailors got me dressed into a suit and tie and then fussed over my hair thankfully they were quick so i had 20 minutes before the reception, 20 minutes to sneak off into Louis' office and see what this key opened and what was inside. 

The king's groom (larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now