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Harry's p.o.v

'how long has Lucas been around?' I asked Lottie after a long pause of us talking

'Ever since eleanorr-' 

'since eleanor what?'

'i cant say stop talking to me Harry just go back to Louis and be a good husband and stop poking your nose in my business i can handle it okay?' she shouted

'i-i' i said

'just go away,' she grunted

i sighed and walked away, how could i just pretened there was someone trying to kill my precious Louis?? the louis which i have learnt to love, the louis who keeps me safe and makes me laugh and makes me feel appreciated?

~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Me and Louis had such a nice day together we had a date day where we laughed and had fun and messed around it was all fun and games and cuddlign and i fellt so happy and warm, though i couldn't shake over the fact whoever Lucas was he wanted to get rid of me and Louis' happiness i could never imagine my lfie without Louis now. 

I thought it would be the perfect time to ask Louis about eleanor, we had a nice day without any headaches so maybe this would be a perfect time?

We sat and talked outside in the garden as Louis made me a flower crown, i giggled at the sight of it like a little kid. 

'Louis,' i began

''Yes my darling,' he said while stroking my thigh with one of his hands and eatign strawberries with the other. 

'Who is eleanor and what happened to her?' i asked

'That is none of your business Harry,' he spat. His beautiful calmness was immediatly replaced with sadness 

'sorry,' i murmered

'its alright its just i don't like to talk about it okay?' he said 

'sorry,' i murmnered again

'don't let lottie tell you anything about her, i am the only one that knows the full story of it,' he said through tears. 

'are you sure you are okay?' i asked

'fine,' he said back and then he carried on eatign strawberries as if nothing had happened. 

I had not opened the box that was entitled Eleanor since the last time when i couldn't even open it but i remember just how old it looked i wondered if Louis even knew it was there...he hadn't opened that wardrobe that i got it out of since, i had never seen him open that wardrobe infact,' 

'Louis you know that brown wardrobe in your room,' 

'the one with rusted handles?'

'yes that one why don't you ever open it?' i asked

'You can't open it Harry it stiff and shut ever since eleanor--' then he trailed of

why was i able to open it then?? i was so confused. We carried on talking and laughing though my mind wasn't at ease at all, everything was stressing me out. 

'so harry i see you don't like strawberries,' louis said

'no i am more of an orange or banana fan,' i said

'oh banana eh?' he chuckled

i rolled my eyes 'so immature Louis,' 

we laughed and joked around for a bit mroe but then Louis seemed to have something bothering him and it was as if he couldn't be truly happy without this thing bothering him came out. 

'Harry,' Louis said after a bit

'Yes?' i asked

'Please be honest with me, was there anyone you liked or fancied or even loved before me back from your province?' he asked

yes zayn, but i couldn't say that because Lottie said not to anger him but i would anger him if i lied to him wouldn't I? and i couldn't lie i was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He was staring at me intently trying to get the answer off of me. 

'Yes,' i said simply

I saw him toughen up and hold my hand tighter.

'Who?' he asked

'Zayn...but i don't love him anymore i love you,' i said

he smiled 'good,' 

i smiled back at him and we kissed.

~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We returned back to the room and Louis tried to open that wardrobe with the eleanor box but it wasn't opening, it was wierd because i could open it all that time ago. 

It was almost a perfect day when at 11:pm right before bed, Louis complained about a splitting headache he said it hurt more than before. It was as if something was forcing itself out it was pounding on his head like a drum. 

'Why don't you have a nap here?' i asked

'No i have to have my nap somewhere else' he began but then stopped himself and just walked out of the room to have his nap. 

i sighed and hated being lonely so i switched on the television and watched some random glee episode. When i finally got the idea of snooping at that eleanor box i mean noone was around. i hoped i would be able to open it!

I could open the wardrobe easily this time! why could i only open it when Louis wasn't around? this was yet another odd thing. I wasted no time and grabbed the box and looked inside. 

There were pictures of Eleanor and Louis together but Louis' face was scratched off, in other pictures which looked like they had been taken much later Eleanor's face was scratched off. Around the pictures where Eleanor's face had been scratched off Written in Blood which wasn't it Louis' handwriting it wrote



'i thought you loved me,' 

'what happened,' 

The pictures where Eleanor's' face was scratched off were taken a week beforee eleanor's death...

what happened? i was desperate to know, this box wasn't as handy as i thought it would be i thought it would tell me all about Lucas but no it just caused another blank in my mind. I think if i figured about Louis' real past with eleanor, lucas would reveal itself. I had to figure it out fast because i don't know how much more time Lucas would give Louis before killing him. 

Why couldn't me and Louis just run away? because we couldn't 

why did it seem like i knew more about the palace secrets than Louis?!

a/n hope you like it sorry if its bad :P 

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