Chapter 41

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The next day, the small family were back at home. They kept Harry and Tobias over night for inspection to see that Tobias was ready to go home and for Harry to adapt to after his operation.

"Let's go, my darlings" Louis said as he helped Harry stand up from the bed. He grimaced as he stood up from the stretch of the scar. "You're okay. I've got you" Louis mumbled. Harry kissed his cheek and looked at Tobias who was in his baby carrier and ready to go. Harry carried the bag and Louis carried the baby carrier since it was heavier than the bag.

Half an hour later, after lectures about Harry's incision, how to treat it and what not to do until it's healed. They were finally home and of course, there was paparazzi at the gates that were guarded by security on behalf of Modest! Management.

Louis got out first and ran around the side of the car to help Harry out. The paparazzi were at snapping pictures by the gate as they opened the back door to get the baby carrier out. They had put a blanket over the top of it so he couldn't be seen. Louis waited as Harry opened the front door and then they walked in silently, putting the carrier on the floor carefully and took Tobias out of it, holding him close to his chest as Harry walked in with his arm around Louis' waist.

"Welcome home Tobias!" Shouted Harry's parents, Louis' mother and sisters, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Sophia and Perrie. Louis and Harry both let out a shocked laugh just as Tobias started crying by Louis' neck.

"Aw, baby" Louis cooed as the others cooed along with them. He pulled Tobias from his neck and rocked him as he cried, rocking his tiny body softly. "I'll just take him into his room to calm him down" he said. Everyone nodded as he cried.

He walked up the stairs with the tiny, wailing form and went to his bedroom, sitting in the rocking chair and rocking himself and his son.

His wails calmed down into whimpers as his tiny hands brushed against his chubby cheeks. "You are so beautiful to me" Louis sang, rocking him and kissing his forehead until he was awake but not making a sound.

He walked back downstairs with him and walked into the living room and saw everyone sat on chairs, on the floor or on the sofa. Harry was sat by Niall who was trying to see his healing incision.

"Leave him alone Niall" he laughed and sat next to Gemma who must've joined when he was upstairs.

"Can I hold my nephew?" She asked. Louis smiled, nodded and handed him over to her. "Wow, he is so tiny" she whispered. Louis' sisters crowded over to them and cooed, trying to get a better view of the baby who was lazily looking around the room.

"Lou" Harry mumbled. Louis nodded as Harry stood up, motioning him to follow. "You don't mind looking after him, do you? He needs feeling at three o'clock." Harry asked.

"Of course, go and have a nap" Anne said. Harry smiled gratefully and linked his fingers with Louis'.

They got halfway up the stairs before Harry whispered in his ear "I think I'll give you that blow job now".

"You are sure? I don't want you to strain yourself." Louis frowned.

Harry ignored him and mumbled "Fuck, I've missed the taste of your cum" which made Louis feel hot all over.

Louis pulled off his shirt and locked their bedroom door as Harry sat cross legged on the bed, not bothering to undress as he didn't need to. He watched as Harry pulled off his jeans for him, moving it down his thighs.

Louis watched as Harry mouthed over the fabric, making his breathing become more laboured.

Harry quickly pulled down his boxers, revealing Louis' semi-erect penis. He took in the sight, taking him in his hands and kissing around his thighs before kissing the tip and side. Louis smiled and tangled his hair into his hands.

Harry looked up at him through his eyelashes as he took his now, hard dick into him mouth. Louis hummed and tightened his hand in Harry's hair and used the other that clenched around the sheets.

"Oh, Harry" he gasped as he felt his legs tremble and the feeling of almost releasing into his mouth. Tiny gasps and moans escape his lips as Harry deep throated him.

Louis let out a low growl as he came into Harry's mouth, his toes curling and his hands tightening around his hair and the sheets. Harry slowly sat up, holding his belly as he did so.

His hair was disheveled, his lips red and puffy and shiny and his cheeks were red and blotchy. To anyone else, people would think he looked unattractive, but God. Louis felt himself falling even harder for Harry, if that was even possible.

"Come here" he whispered. Harry moved and rested his body over Louis' naked one. "I love you Harry. I am so proud of you, for going through the risky pregnancy and looking after our son while he was in your belly and for always having your hand protectively over your bump. Thank you for always eating when necessary, even if you felt sick to your stomach after having morning sickness and God! Thank you for not playing shows even though I know that you missed it. I am so lucky to have you, my beautiful darling. I love you and I am so happy to call you my fiancé."

Harry looked up at him and smiled, popping his dimple. "I would do it ten times again if I could" Harry mumbled but Louis' smile dropped.

"I wish I could give you ten more babies" he whispered sadly.

"We will adopt, sunshine. Even if they aren't our biological child, then we will still treat them like one." Harry said and stroked his cheek. "We will have a Natalia, like in your dream." He whispered.

Louis smiled and tightened his arms around his torso. "Thank you" he whispered.

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