Chaper 15

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(FILLER. I don't even know what i was thinking when I wrote this to be honest also, go read a new fan fiction I have up please. It's called "Tuesday" thank youuu😊)

After the show, Louis decided to meet some of his friends to go clubbing before they had to perform in further shows so that meant leaving Harry behind.

"Don't drink loads, stay with your friends, keep your phone on and don't go home with any girls" Harry told him as he stood with his hands on his hips by their hotel room door.

"Harry, I'm and adult and I am capable of looking after myself" Louis whined, picking up his keys.

"But you are my baby and I want to look after you" Harry huffed. Louis smirked, walking up to his boyfriend and slinging his arms around his waist.

"You can look after me in more ways than one, babe, but I'm off. I'll see you tomorrow" Louis replied, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek and then his lips.

"Okay. Bye bye" he pouted.

"Bye, Harold" Louis smiled, leaving the hotel room to meet his friends at the club.


Louis was wasted. Flinging his arms around as he danced. His friends had been joined by some girls who were trying to cling onto Louis, taking pictures with the drunken pop star to put onto Instagram or twitter.

"No. no more pictures" Louis slurred as he stumbled out of the club to be met with paparazzi. He whined and had security lean him to his car but he ended up tripping and falling onto the pavement, yowling in pain when he landed on his arm.

The Paparazzi kept taking pictures as security helped him stand up, his friends were laughing at him, assuming that he had fallen purposely instead of accidentally and doing damage to himself.

He got dropped off at his hotel, having girls follow him but instead he pushed them away and ran to the elevator to get away from them, pressing the button to close the door before they got into it.

He cheered to himself, swaying as he stood alone in the elevator. A floor before his own, the elevator made a weird stuttering sound, making Louis flinch and be empowered by fear.

The elevator stopped, the doors not opening but the small box was beeping. Louis pushed the buttons to open the doors but nothing worked. He screamed and put his hands over his ears out of frustration.

He went to turn the bell off and then sat down, pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialling Harry's number. It rang and it rang but there was no answer. Louis kicked the wall opposite him, his movements slow and powerless from his drowsy state.

He looked at his phone, huffing when it said 1% before the screen went black and unresponsive. He went to ring the bell again for the operator to answer but after a couple of tries, no one spoke so instead he went to his last resort.

"Hello? Help me!" He shouted loudly, banging on the steel walls but then stopped when he realised that he was suspended eight floors up. He sunk to the floor and lay down, reaching up to press the bell button that he could just about reach. He waited in silence, the only sound being the bell.

In the end, he gave up and took off his jacket, balling it up to use as a pillow while he lay on his back and stared up at the ceiling that had a mirror on it. He pointed up at it and spoke, "you" he said to his reflection "I don't get it. I'm stuck in a fucking elevator with a dead phone and the bell won't talk to me. The bell won't reply, the bell is fucking stupid. Its fucking fucked innit." he grumbled, his head spinning from the affect of the alcohol.

He groaned and stared at himself in the ceiling. Giggling as he moved his arms and legs in a manner that made his giggles turn into hysterical laughter. "Oh, Louis fucking Tomlinson. You are perfect . . . and fu-funny" he told himself, laughing wildly.

It was quiet for a while before he screamed out for help again. He pressed the bell continually, the sound he was making from the bell annoying himself. Then he got an idea.

"Powerless and I don't care, it's obvious" he sang loudly at the same time as tapping the bell. He stopped and put his hand on his hip, looking in all corners of the elevator and stopping when he saw the camera.

"This is extremely unprofessional. The bell won't talk back and I am tired and need a piss" he told the camera. He huffed and got onto the floor, propping his head on the jacket and closing his eyes in hopes of falling asleep.

Louis was woken by quick movements and a lot of noise. He breathed in quickly when he felt it move, thinking that he was being dropped but instead he was being moved upwards. He shakily stood up, picking up his jacket and feeling a lot more sober than when he was last conscious.

The doors sprung open, allowing him to walk out and run to his room, feeling very stiff. He pulled his key card out and used it to open the door. He walked in and saw Harry who was just waking up from the morning light shining through the curtains.

"Have you just got back?" Harry frowned, sitting up slowly.

"The elevator broke so I pressed the button so many fucking times but no one spoke to me and my phone died after I tried calling you so I was stuck in there for ages so I took off my jacket and used it as a pillow to sleep and I got some sleep, I do-" Louis rambled, being cut off by Harry.

"Come here, baby." He chuckled, opening his arms for Louis to fall into on the bed. Louis let out a long, exhausted groan and shut his eyes, letting Harry move them so Louis was on the bed and under the sheets so he could nap until show time.

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