Chapter 30

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Three weeks had passed and Harry was close to four months of pregnancy. They had a couple of days break before they played a three night show in Florida, Orlando. June was in a weeks time which meant Summer was close.

Harry was currently lying on his back, tracing shapes into his baby bump while he waited for the rest of his band to come back from Universal studios. He couldn't go because Louis was worried that he was going to get hurt or something so here he was, laying on the sofa with the sound of the TV in the room.

"Pumpkin, baby Tobias. I love you" he sang quietly. He bit his lip, all of a sudden feeling sadness over come him. He didn't even know why.

He cried into his hands, standing up slowly to run a bath to help himself calm down. He sniffled and climbed into it, feeling lonely and tired. All he felt lately was tiredness.

Louis said that it was because of his body changing to cope with the hormones and his pregnancy.

His phone was in his hand as he sat in the bath, seeing pictures of his bands mates and the music crew with their girlfriends, laughing and having fun. He threw his phone on the floor and brought his legs to his chest, feeling his stomach press against them as his body wracked with sobs.

He picked up his phone again and called his mum, not particularly wanting to speak with anyone else but her.

"Hi sweetie. How are you?" She asked him.

"Mummy" he cried, the slosh of water sounding as he moved.

"Harry? Darling, what's wrong?" She asked him.

"Th-they all w-went to the universal studios as I stayed in the hotel." He cried. "I feel so lonely and alone" he snivelled.

"Oh, Harry. You have to tell them that you want to come too" she said.

"I did! They just told me its best to stay at the hotel if I want Toby to be healthy. I just feel like they don't want me there" he vented.

"They do, maybe they were just making sure you were okay." She replied.

"They all make me feel like a burden." He cried harder.

"Darling. I wish I could just hug you. You aren't a burden, sweetie. And you are just feeling kind of crappy because of your hormones" she said kindly. "I was like this, crying for no reason but then finding something to cry harder about" she told him, making him feel better.

"Yeah." he whispered. "Can you sing that lullaby you sang for Gemma and I when we were little?" He asked. Wiping his tears and then leaving back into the water.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine" she sang. She continued until she had to get ready for work, leaving him in the almost deafening silence in the hotel room. He ended up putting music on since he was finding it so unbearable.

After another hour of sitting there, silent tears falling down his cheeks, he heard Louis' voice saying goodbye to someone and then footsteps.

"Harry?" He shouted. He didn't bother wiping his tears. Let him see what Harry had been doing while he was having fun.

"Princess" he shouted again, pushing open the door of the bedroom that led to the bathroom. Harry waited as Louis walked in, smiling with a bag by his side that said 'Harry Potter world' on it with another that said 'universal'. His smile dropped when he saw him. "Why didn't call me? What's wrong" he asked.

"I felt sad and lonely" Harry whispered. Louis knelt next to the bath and rubbed Harry's cheek.

"You should have called, I would've come straight back" he whispered over Harry's music. Harry just nodded and sat up a bit, holding onto Louis' hand that was on his cheek. "Is that all? You were Lonely and sad?" Louis asked. "You have to tell me," he whispered.

"I-I just feel. . . like I am a burden to you and everyone, being pregnant and everything" He said quietly. A new song came on that Harry identified as 5AM by Amber Run. Louis caressed his cheek and leaned forwards to kiss him.

"Princess, we all know that's not true. Little apple slice just needs a little bit more care and you need to be safe" He replied.

"It's not like I am eight months pregnant though! I am four months pregnant, I can still do things" Harry argued, pushing his hand from his cheek and standing up from the bath. He unplugged the bath and wrapped a towel around himself before walking out of the room.

"Harry! You know I don't mean that." Louis replied and walked after him. "I just want you both healthy and happy."

"Do you really think that I am happy, being cooped up in a hotel room while everyone else is living it up in the sun and buying expensive things. Sure, Tobias might be happy, but I'm not and I just feel miserable all the time and they don't have any fucking peanut butter at this fucking hotel!" He shouted, making Louis jump.

"Why didn't you speak up then!" Louis argued.

"I did! I asked you and Niall if I could tag along and when you said no, I asked again. I am getting some peanut butter from the shop down the road, remind myself of what fresh air smells like" Harry snapped coldly and picked up his phone and wallet, opening the hotel door before sighing and pausing. "I love you" he said before walking out of the room and towards the elevators.

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