Chapter 19

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"I feel like we have achieved a lot today" Harry said as he walked down the corridor of his house, Louis trailing behind him.

"Babe, we bought a bed and a sofa" Louis smiled at the younger lad. Harry's low chuckle filled the room at they wandered into the kitchen. "I'm meeting up with Seb in about an hour" he said. Harry turned to look at Louis curiously.

"Who exactly is this. . . Seb?"Harry asked, folding his hands over his chest. Louis rolled his eyes as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

"He is a friend from Donny before I went on the Xfactor" louis answered. "He is in LA for a bit" he finished. Harry nodded.

"When will you be home?" He asked. Louis frowned and walked to the island and sat down on one of the stools.

"About one or two, mom" Louis rolled his eyes. Harry scoffed and kissed Louis' forehead.

"Get ready then, baby boy" Harry chimed, making Louis blush and hide his face in his hands as he walked away, leaving Harry smiling before he had left the room. His smile dropped when he ran to the bathroom with a box that will tell him their future in his back pocket.


"Louis!" Louis heard a voice shout from outside the club. He turned around and smiled at Sebastian who was walking towards him.

"Seb!" Louis squealed and then hugged him tight. "Long time no see, huh?" Louis smiled as they looked back at the club.

"I know. Do you mind if we go back to my hotel to catch up? Have a meal in the hotel restaurant" Sebastian suggested.

"Um" Louis looked up at the club and then saw Harry's face flash through his mind. He did promise to stay at the club and only the club until he was ready to come home. "O-okay" he stuttered.

Sebastian smiled and led him towards his car, gripping onto Louis' shoulder as he did so. He felt a little bit uneasy but he went with it anyway, this was Sebastian Hawker and if he remembers correctly, he wouldn't hurt a fly.

They got back to the hotel and got a seat at the restaurant, both ordering their food and chatting. "So, hows band life?" Sebastian asked. Louis shrugged and sipped his beer.

"As good as can be expected. very stressful and sometimes, the fans get a bit too much but you just have to think on the positive side and what them fans have gotten us" Louis replied.

"Yeah. It seems like a lot of fun though. I'm actually studying music so I was hoping I could be a band tech for five seconds of summer or McBusted but we will have to see if I actually get the degree" he chuckled.

Louis smiled and watched the waitress bring over their food. "Thanks" he smiled. "You were always interested in that side of music" Louis replied. Sebastian nodded and dug into his food, bringing up another conversation.

After they ate, Sebastian showed Louis his room. "Wow, it's just like the one before" he gasped. Sebastian just nodded and pulled out a box from his suitcase that lay under the desk.

"I got you a gift. Heard rumours about you liking this a lot" he chuckled. Louis smirked and sat down on the bed next to Sebastian. He handed the box to Louis and watched him open it.

"Oh my fucking. . . Sebastian!" Louis shouted, laughing as he did so. He took the bag out of the box that was filled with weed. "How did you get this here?" He asked.

"Oh, they don't check your suitcase" Sebastian laughed. "Charmed my way through" he added. Louis just looked up at him, smiling and shaking his head as he opened the packet. Sebastian wrapped two of them and handed one to Louis lighting his own and then using his to light Louis'.

They smoked for a while until everything felt a bit hazy. "Shotgun!" Sebastian shouted and then leaned towards Louis. Louis had no idea of what he was doing so he leaned forwards too, exhaling all the smoke in his mouth so Sebastian could blow his smoke into Louis' mouth.

Louis inhaled it and felt their lips touch before Sebastian smashed his lips against his own. Louis kissed him back, feeling the effects of the drug completely take over. "Fuck!" Louis shouted as Sebastian palmed his dick.

"Just as good as I remember huh?" he chuckled. Louis cackled and put out his blunt on the ashtray before allowing Sebastian to remove his pants, giggling as he did so. A blow job later, Louis lay flat on his back as Sebastian stood watching him.

"S-Sebastian. I cheated" he gasped as his high decreased. He put his hand on his mouth and sat up slowly, looking wide eyed at his ex lover. He puled his pants up quickly and then picked up his phone, tears gathering in his eyes. "I-I have to go" he whimpered and ran from the room.

"Lou, wait" Sebastian said as his hand rested on the door handle. "I'm sorry" he whispered. Louis just nodded before leaving and running towards a taxi cab outside the hotel.

"What if the media found out? What if management found out? Fuck! What if Harry found out?" Louis muttered under his breath as he opened the front door with shaky hands. He sniffled as the door swung open, slamming against the wall loudly.

Louis winced at the sound and shut the door quietly, running towards the bathroom to get rid of the stench of the weed. He sniffle to himself in the shower as Harry slept peacefully upstairs. When he was done, he walked to their bedroom and slipped into the bed next to Harry.

He was only wearing his underwear but Harry was sleeping naked. He wrapped his arm around Harry's torso, burying his face into the mans broad back and biting his lip.

He was never going to tell Harry what he had done. Ever.  and he was going to make sure that Sebastian knew that too.

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